Can we hug Fridays?

by | Jul 26, 2013 | beauty, Loves, Real Life | 8 comments

1. I painted my nails.  Duh.  Wet & Wild Megalast: I need a refreshmint with Sinful Colors: Nail Junkie (appropriate, I think ;)) My hands have been super dry lately, so please excuse the grossness of them.  Any recommendations? 

2. If how I feel when I take sudafed is any indication of what it’d be like to be a meth-head, I have no idea how anyone could choose it as their drug of choice.  Whenever I have sinus pressure it’s always the dreaded debate: feel sick and have an annoying sinus headache all day or feel whacked out and like my heart will blow out of my chest.

3. [this one is a rant–you can skip it if you’d like] I took Bailey to the vet yesterday.  I wanted to get established with a vet in the area (like a responsible pet owner), and I also wanted to be sure she was completely up to date on all over her shots, etc just in case we introduce another little furbaby into our home.  I made an appointment for 10:30 for her shots and to get her nails clipped.  It should have been a 20 minute appointment, max.  I had gone in the day before sans dog to fill out all the paperwork, etc because I knew I didn’t want to attempt that with a squirming 70lb dog on a leash (this just in: Bailey is very poorly behaved in public for me).  I got there (10 mins early, mind you), and they had no record that I was in before.  None of the paperwork had be put into the computer and they had no recollection of me being there (even though one of the girls was who I’d spoken with the day before…).  Strike one.  Then I sat or rather, tackle Bailey to the ground any time a person or pet walks in or by.  For 40 minutes.  Nothing.  Strike 2.  So I got up and walked towards the door.  I just happened to call out “we’re leaving,” when I got to the door–you know, just as a courtesy.  The dog is already loaded in the car when the receptionist runs out after me “would you like me to see if someone could see you now?”  Uhm.  Are you serious?  I sat there for 40 minutes while you gossiped with the other receptionist about the other employees of the clinic.  You didn’t think to see if someone could see me THEN?  No thank you.  I’m out.  Strike 3.

4. The three dollar and fifty cent vanilla bean candle from walmart is making my life so happy right now.  It makes our house smells so warm and inviting.  I’m kind of in love.


5. Lost & Profound.  By Summer Felix.  This book almost scared me.  There were way too many situations that had me nodding my head going omg this is me.  Now, I might have felt that way because part of the story chronicles a woman’s pursuit of the publishing world.  But whether you’re in to publishing and writing or not, there were several scenes in this book that had me laughing out loud.  The main character, Rebecca, finds herself in her thirties, divorced with two kids.  She really thought she’d have her life somewhat figured out at this point.  Her mom is her biggest cheerleader hounding her to publish something under her own name instead of just ghost writing, but she’s more focused on navigating the control freak pre-school director and a certain man.  I’m a huge fan of the structure of this book: you follow her story through a series of journal entires that span a year.  You find yourself feeling what Rebecca’s feeling.  And you’re there rooting her on!  This was the first book I’ve read by Summer Felix, and I certainly look forward to reading more from her.  Five stars!

linked with: h54f, fridaybookclub, thenailfiles

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  1. Wet & Wild Megalast is the BEST polish! I love the brush and it lasts for so long!

  2. OMG vets offices are so tricky. I used to go to one that was pretty and new and had a beautiful mural on the wall but the vet and staff weren't very personable so I switched to a small clinic in a strip center with no frills and absolutely love our vet and his staff. You just never know. I hope you find a better fit soon!

  3. That book sounds great and I love the two blues you chose for your mani (and the glitter, obviously, ha!). Thanks for linking up! 🙂

  4. I've been loving turquoise and blue polishes this summer, so pretty! Hope you find a good vet soon – I've got 3 dogs and know how that can be.

  5. I LOVE your nail combo!! I don't own any of those Wet 'n Wild polishes but I think it's time for me to get on that. Also… your dog and I have the same name haha. Why do so many people name their dogs Bailey?! I have to know! Haha!!


  6. That Wet'n Wild is one of my favorite nail polishes that I own! I love the SC polish you paired it with.

    I would have gone berserk at that vet's office. How awful!


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