The not so unlucky 13th!

by | Sep 13, 2013 | beauty, Loves, Real Life, Throwback | 11 comments

1. OPI La-paz-itively-hot with W&W megalast Silver Lake (dollar general limited edition).  Oh, man. Oh, man.  I die for a good silver accent!  

2. First of all, I want to thank you all for your continued thoughts, prayers and understanding.  I know I’ve been painfully cryptic here and on twitter in regards to the medical saga–but I just didn’t want drop a whole lot of “could be’s” on you without having any real true information.  Basically.  The story goes:  I was having (and am still having) severe abdominal pain.  Like any normal person, I assumed it was my gall bladder and went to the doctor who ordered an ultrasound.  On that ultrasound my gall bladder seemed okay, but they found three “cysts” on my liver.  They assured me they were nothing but wanted to order a CT just so they could monitor the growth in 6 months.  After the CT, they came back and dropped a massive bomb on me.  They were concerned they were not, in fact, cysts but malignant tumors.  Let me let that sink in for a second.  I am twenty seven years old, and they were telling me there was a chance I could have cancer.  On/in my liver.  I shut down.  I don’t know if there is a normal reaction to that kind of news, but I don’t think I made sense for about two weeks.  They ran a few more tests and ordered an MRI.  I won’t have more information as far as treatment goes until after the 27th, but I got the call yesterday.  The things on my liver are tumors (vs. cysts), however, they are not malignant.  Yes, you read that right there is no cancer!!!!  I’m sure surgery is still probably in my future, but hell, you can cut me up til the sun comes up I don’t care!  I know, without a doubt, there is no way I would have gotten through all of this waiting without all of your prayers and continued support.  And I couldn’t wait to celebrate this news with all of you!  


[ignore the old bad mirror selfie]

[Wah. I miss that bedroom and that house!]

3. I bought a pair of boots on a whim back in an Athens Outlet a few years ago (three, I think).  They were my favorite.  I wore them all the time.  I knew last winter it was time to retire them, but I just loved them so much.  The hubs bought me an adorable pair of boots from Target last Christmas to replace them.  But there is the tiniest hint of a narrow heel (think: wedge).  So they just aren’t as comfortable.  I found my original favorite boots at Rack Room on sale this week!  They’re having a great sale right now if you’re in the market for shoes!

4. I really can’t think of anything else to say.  Especially because my mind is still on the second point!  I think that’s good enough news to count as two today!


5. Infamous by Lauren Conrad.  I know.  But I read the first two so I had to read the third–especially when it became available through the e-library.  This one gets the same review as the first two–cute, entertaining and quick.  

linked with: TheNailFiles, H54F, fridaybookclub

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  1. Love your nails – you always have the BEST nails! So so SOOOOOOOOO Happy to hear your results! Praise the Lord! Happy weekend!

  2. AHHH best news EVER!!!!!!!! love you doll!!

  3. YAY!!!!!! So happy for you that the news was not the worst! Amazing!
    Are those your real nails? Pretty!
    This is weird, but last night I had a dream that I hung out with LC. LOL I must be stalking her Instagram too much. 😉

  4. I LOVE those nails, super cute! The silver is gorgeous!

    And that is wonderful news about your health! Such a relief for you and your family, I'm sure! xoxo

  5. HURRAY for NON-malignant tumors! You were a champ through it all and totally seemed to have your act together. "Cut me til the sun comes up" crack me up! You deserve all the cakes you can bake, friend!

    And I looooove that outfit. I wish I knew how to wear a blazer that cutely.

  6. Joey, I'm SO happy for you!! Such a relief I'm sure!! I love your nails this week. Bright pink and silver sparkle are always perfect!!

  7. I am SO happy for you! What a relief!!

    And few things put a smile on my face like new boots. I love them. What a cute outfit!

  8. Woooooo! So happy to hear that you finally have some good news! Also, love that mani 🙂

  9. Oh my goodness THIS IS AMAZING NEWS!!! *fires glitter cannon* I'm so happy that you (a) got some answers and (b) they were good ones!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!

    Oh, and your mani is awesome, too. 😉

  10. The silver polish is just incredible – love how you paired it with a bright pink.

    Such amazing news – I can't imagine how nerve-wracking that was for you until they were able to pinpoint what exactly was going on.

    I still need to read any of LC's books.


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