
by | Nov 12, 2013 | Throwback | 5 comments

Oh, hi.

Do you ever go through those phases where you just…I don’t know.  Have nothing to say?  I know that’s shocking.  Joey with nothing to say.  

I’ve been keeping my mouth shut lately and just listening more to what’s around me.  Sometimes I get that way when I’m in the process of writing.  It helps with the creative process.  I try to find inspiration in every detail.

I feel like I’m on the brink of something.  Maybe it’s just because there’s an end in sight with this whole medical drama.  Or maybe it’s because the end of the year is near.  Or maybe it’s because I’ve been collecting my cojones for the last few weeks to do big things.

In the meantime, here are a few things:

  1. Football season (for us) is neeeeeaaarrrrrlllllly over.  I can’t tell you how excited I am for the week of Thanksgiving (J has the entire week off).  I’m not sure what I’m going to do with this strange man in my house all day long.
  2. I am writing.  Even on the days I don’t feel like it.  I’m not writing the book I intended to write, and I’m okay with that.
  3. My hair suddenly (out of no where I feel like) is crazy long.  I’ve never had hair this long before, and I’m not exactly sure what to do with it.  I definitely need some kind of hair cut soon.
  4. It’s a daily battle for me not to turn on Christmas music.
  5. I need curtains in the office.
  6. I think I’m getting carpal tunnel from texting.
  7. I want to read a core-shaking book.  Do you have any recommendations?
  8. I want a TV series to get into for when I’m recovering from surgery.  J will most likely be with me.  I’d like something that sucks us in but is also kind of funny.  We’ve done the whole HIMYM thing already.
Ok.  I tried to get it to 10, but why force it?  Happy Tuesday, friends!

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  1. a) I haven't had much to say lately either. Call it lack of sleep. b) I've been listening to Christmas music for almost a month already. But in my defense, I have it on Pandora, and it shuffles between Christmas, 90's Pop, 2000's Pop, and Today's Hits. So it's only like 1/4 or so songs. c) as for a TV series, I loved "My Boys" … it was a TBS show but it is available on Netflix. Ken liked it also. Most people haven't watched it, but it's one of my favorites. good luck with your surgery!

  2. What about Parks & Rec? Do you watch that? it's pretty funny! I love Nashville too, but it's more dramatic. if you're looking for straight up funny then do Impractical Jokers, makes me horse laugh. I'll think about the book and text you suggestions. I love Jodi Picoult and she has some good ones that just leave you WOW, do you read her?

  3. Awww carpal tunnel… that's no good! I love TV, but funny is so hard. Andrew watched all seasons of Gilmore Girls with me and didn't hate it. He still watches reruns, too. I am getting into Parks and Rec now. Ohhh have you heard of Pushing Daisies? That was a favorite of mine! And Chuck. OMG watch Chuck. It's silly and doesn't require much thinking but is such a fun show. Now I want to go re-watch it!

  4. I totally feel ya on nothing to say, or at least seemingly nothing to say on a blog. And go you for writing every day. Days where I write are good days. Who knows where it will lead you. As for a show, when I was pregnant with Declan and stuck on the couch with morning sickness I watched ALL of Friday Night Lights. Not that funny, but dang I got hooked!! Maybe you want to stay away from football, but Connie Britton? Totally my girl crush.

  5. Sarah's Key, When You Reach Me, or Chains.

    Those are 3 books that I couldn't get enough of.

    Haha, Try Jericho. We're stupidly addicted.


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

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