Glitter Hearts

by | Nov 15, 2013 | beauty, Loves | 6 comments

Base: China Glaze VIII
Hearts: Sally Hansen Twisted Pink–applied with dotting tools from JENNIE 😀
Flake Glitter: Nicole by OPI Heavenly Angel (this was extremely disappointing.  I wouldn’t recommend it).
1) I really need to get on it with using the real camera.  Sorry friends.  This was one of those manicures that I just COULDN’T capture no matter which lighting I was in.  So I was the crazy person half dressed wearing my husband’s loafers in the one little patch of sunlight in the front yard desperately trying to get a picture.  It was kind of a big fail.  So this is in the natural lighting in my office.  
2) I have to venture out to Holly Springs today because we’re just about out of dog food.  Yes.  I have to drive close to an hour JUST TO BUY DOG FOOD.  If you don’t follow Kristin–you should.  Because her post yesterday down right explains how I feel about living in the middle of no where.  The good news is, while I’m getting dog food I’ll be dangerously close to a TARGET and an ULTA.  So some damage might be done.
3) I vlogged yesterday but haven’t edited it yet.  I actually vlogged last Saturday at the game, too.  Tell me, do you guys like these?  I know they’re silly, but I kind of really enjoy doing them.  Would you like me to post the ones I’ve made and keep making more?
4) 1000 words stand between me an a chocolate cake with cream cheese icing.  I promised myself on Wednesday that if I completed my word goals for this week I’d bake myself a cake.  It’s been an INSANE week in the writing department.  Sometimes writing is really easy for me.  Others it’s like dragging a cart through mud.  This week it was the latter, and it’s really frustrating.  
5) I rearranged our bedroom on Wednesday as well as hung lights in the living room.  Those two minor changes make this house feel so different to me!  Our bedroom feels so much bigger now.  It’s also a plus that the TV is now directly in front of the bed which will be good for when I’m recovering.  The way it was before I’d have to contort myself to watch TV and I’m pretty sure that would hurt.  We’re going to put the blu ray player in the bedroom so I can access netflix in there!  Whoooooop!  Clearly it’s been a big week, lol!

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  1. Look at your perfect hearts! LOVE!! And I'm sending you good writing vibes cause YOU NEED CAKE AND CREAM CHEESE ICING! You can do it!!! 🙂

  2. I need to do some good old fashion re-arranging in my house! It always makes me feel fresh. How much would you charge me to meet up every week and do my nails?? 🙂

  3. Now I want cake. Bailey is fancy with that fancy food, whoa. And I like your blogs but I don't want to create another youtube account so if you tell me somewhere that they exist, I will definitely watch them!

  4. soo cute!

  5. Your hearts are PERFECT Joey!!!! PERFECT! They're just adorable, seriously. Andi love the image of you standing out in your front yard in your slippers trying to snap a picture. I literally do the exact same thing out on my balcony and feel like a total nut. It's all for the love of the blog!! 😉

    Also, I keep forgetting your dog's name is Bailey, so the above comment from Lauren startled me hahah.

    aka Bailey


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