I’ve been there…

by | Sep 15, 2014 | Throwback | 16 comments

Making the decision to go after something you want isn’t as easy as it might sound.  Sure, saying you want to make jewelry and own an etsy shop sounds easy enough, but what if you already have a full time job that drains you.  But that full time job is also the reason you want  to do something else?

Except with writing.  Because trust me, you don’t want me making you any jewelry.  Well, except maybe a friendship bracelet.  I can make a mean friendship bracelet.
Anyway, we’re getting off topic.
It can be a suffocating feeling, being trapped in the system.  You’ve graduated college, you’ve been kicked out of the bubble, and you have to work to pay your bills.  And before you know it, the job you settled for just after graduation just until I find something else is the one you go to every morning years later and you hate yourself for it.
But what can you do?
There are two steps to making something happen.  It’s as simple and as difficult as that.
Much like the oh so famous Avett Brother’s quote: Decide what to be and go be it, it’s really kind of that simple.  Simple, yes.  Easy?  Not even a little bit.
The part that’s really hard is making the decision to try.  It’s easy to be lazy.  You’re tired.  You’ve already worked a full day.  You get off work and all you want to do is turn off your brain, veg in front of the TV and sip wine.  I get it.  
And making the official decision to change that routine takes commitment.  Because you want the final product.  You want the change.  But you won’t want to put in the work.  No one will judge you for that.  It doesn’t seem fair that we have to work while we work to do the work we want to do.  How many times can I say work in the same sentence?  Challenge accepted!
So, some things you have to be okay with to make your dream a reality:
  1. Sacrifice.  It has to be your number one priority.  Nothing else (you know, within reason.  God, family, etc of course take precedence, to a degree) can be more important.  You’ll miss out on things.  You’ll have to tell people no.  You might have to give up a couple shows and your weekends might not be weekends anymore.  Not for a little while, anyway.  I promise you the sacrifice is worth it.
  2. Failure.  You will fail.  A few times.  And you’ll feel defeated or like it’s all for nothing.  Take a day, wallow.  Get back up, take a deep breath and try again.  Learn from your mistakes.
  3. Exhaustion.  You will become delirious, especially if you’re working a full time job (or parenting, or whatever) while you’re chasing your dream.  There will be days where your sentences don’t make sense and you’ll feel like you’re in a fog.  Power through.
  4. Being selfish.  No one is going to make this happen for you.  And unless you respect yourself enough to allow yourself the opportunity to make it happen, it won’t.  It’s okay to want this.  It’s okay to make yourself a priority.  
So go.  Do it.  Art Williams said it best.  I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy.  I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.

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  1. I think you should do a post on your mad friendship bracelet making skills! hahaha. All jokes aside, this was a great (and honest) post, I am in awe of anyone brave enough (that's you friend) to follow their dreams, and take the big risks! There is a reason you are a published author and it absolutely has to do with #1-4 on your list above, you went for it and worked your butt off!! If I could just figure out what I want to do with my life then I would certainly be making use of this list, I am going to use that last quote as motivation to book my europe trip at least 🙂
    Happy Monday!

  2. I agree with this, more people should follow their dreams and do what makes them happy! It's such a short life we live and waiting seems crazy.

  3. I expect a friendship bracelet in the mail within the next week or two. Just saying…. I think it's so easy to fall into that routine, and before we know it, it's become a rut. And eventually, the dreams seem so far fetched, so impossible to reach with the priorities of daily life.
    You girl, are an inspiration. You made your dreams happen. I mean, seriously, how many can truly say that???

  4. This is absolutely true. If you truly want something, it's not going to come without hard word, dedication, and sacrifice.

  5. Ahhhh yes. So many dreams, so little will to make it happen when I am being honest with myself! I really need to work on taking steps to make it happen! So scary!

  6. The four things you have to be OK with to reach your dream is indeed true. I feel like I am experiencing this at this point of my life. With so much going on, on top of working my way to reach my goals these are perfect reminders of what it takes – and to not lose sight of your goals as life around us continues to move along

  7. You summed this up so perfectly and really touched on what I always struggle with the most– holding myself accountable! It's so easy to make excuses when you're working on a project that doesn't have a hard end date, so I love what you said about being willing to sacrifice certain things to really get moving on your project!

  8. The timing on this is so perfect. Thanks for the push I've needed. <3

  9. Great post, Joey! Really! I need my husband to read this 🙂 Thanks for the motivation!!

  10. I swear we are on the same brain wave. I was just thinking about this last night when I was painting some jars for my Etsy store and then I started thinking about how I still need to upload some more pictures onto my blog and boom it's 11pm and I have to wake up at 5:30/5:45 (if I decide to hit snooze) for work the next morning. I don't mind the routine of getting up and going to work, but honestly after a while it's like ok THIS is not what I went to school for. However, then the thought of I can't really complain it's a job crosses through my head.

    Then there are some days where I just want to quit my job grab a flower headband and run through fields/sand for hours. One can only imagine such lazy days haha.

    P.S. I want a friendship bracelet.


  11. This is quite true. I can't say that I've tried it myself, but I believe it to be true! Thanks for the opportunity to reflect, friend 🙂

  12. Seriously, this post came at just the right time for me. I've been pondering some serious career stuff and feel almost paralyzed. I can't seem to decide what I really want!!

  13. I needed this inspiration today…thanks for sharing, girl! It's so nice to read posts like this from someone who is doing what she wants to be doing…I love it 🙂 Also, please make me a friendship bracelet! Haha.

  14. This is wonderful! You are awesome! xo


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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