>> YAY YAY YAY! Stuff & Things day is my favorite day, you guys! Like a mini holiday every week!
>> I have resorted to the most pathetic meals. We’re in the home stretch friends! The last football game is SATURDAY and then I should resume fixing proper meals. But this week I’ve survived off coffee, edamame, pretzels with ranch, and pasta. Yikes.
>> On a bit of a bummer note, I’ve decided to discontinue youtube. At least for now. I know, how short lived was that, right? But the fact is, I’m a busy lady. And with everything happening the way it is the last little while, it’s just too much in all honesty. I found myself stressing about it more than I was enjoying it–and that’s just a sure sign that it wasn’t right. Not right now anyway. I never ever feel that way with my blog–I enjoy every element of blogging. So maybe, like Dena says, I need to stick with what is natural for me. Writing.
>> Yeah. That happened on Tuesday. I just woke up and felt like putting up our tree. We usually wait until after Thanksgiving, but with all the drama with my parents’ tree– I really didn’t want my holiday spirit to be sucked out by a tree that refuses to stand. That whole situation is still funny to me–and so while it is, I just wanted to put up my decorations while in a good mood.
>> Because you all rock our freaking faces off, Kristin and I have decided that if you participate in the Thanksgiving Edition of Stuff & Things, you’ll be entered to win our little giveaway! We just wanted to do something as a token of our appreciation for hanging out with us every Thursday (especially Thanksgiving)! So be sure to schedule your posts for next Thursday so you don’t miss out!
>> Meg and I walked over to Starbucks this week, and this was the view on our walk home. This campus is just so stinking gorgeous, I tell you. It was absolutely freezing, and we got to talking about what it was like to go to school at App. And gosh. Sometimes I just really miss it. That was one gorgeous mountain I got to live on!
Your house looks great! {Yay for a tree that's standing!!} I can't wait to decorate ours. I usually wait until after Thanksgiving also but I think I'm doing it this weekend so that it's already done when we come back from our Thanksgiving trip! That sunset is beautiful!!
Ahhh I love that you put your tree up!!! I wanted to put mine up so bad on Sunday, I just didn't get the chance because of the stupid rain. Boo! I think when I come back from Texas that sucker is going to have to go up! I can't take it anymore! Bring me all the Christmas cheer 🙂
That campus sure does look pretty! Happy Thursday!
I love that campus, I haven't been by in a while and I forgot how pretty it is. Your tree looks great!
Your tree looks fabulous! I've been resisting the urge to put ours up… at least until our new floors are in this weekend!
Wow, the campus is gorgeous. I love how the clock towers over all the buildings on campus. And sweet girl, your choice of eats this week sounds delicious! Ha! The tree looks beautiful, I still cant believe the holidays are already here
The tree looks great!!! Also – I totally understand about the YouTube thing, you are a great writer and not many people can say that – so I agree with Dena – natural is best 🙂 That's why I mostly keep my hands out of the blogging world, because I'm a good reader, but not so much a good writer. Happy Thursday!
Aw- what a pretty Campbell sunset!! And your living room looks so cute.. I'm getting my first real tree this year and CANNOT wait!!
I love that you have your tree up!!! I think we're going to put ours up this weekend and I can't even wait!! Such a beautiful picture of the campus at sunset – I love it!!
I have to wait until after Thanksgiving to put my tree up, but I am ready 🙂
we've been getting snow like a mofo and it just seems right to put up our tree but my husband wants to wait until dec 1…the harassment will continue until he succumbs
Your home looks so festive, love it! Well I'll certainly miss your YouTube but I totally get that!
Your living room looks great, love your tree 🙂 I want to put up a Christmas tree soon too!!
The only reason we put up our tree so late – is because the husband insists on a LIVE tree. And even if we water it constantly – it's still barely makes it a day passed Christmas.
I want to get a wicked nice faux tree – but you know, sometimes you got to let the men win.
Yours looks beautiful. I really like it!
I always loved watching your videos, but I can't even imagine how much more of a time commitment that is than just blogging! Your tree looks fantastic and it's taking everything I have not to start decorating until next week 🙂
You have to do what's best for you. I'm glad you realized that this wasn't the right time for videos instead of just becoming burnt out with them. You go girl. Gotta do what you gotta do!
Yay Christmas! Hooey to people who say you HAVE to wait until after Thanksgiving. Part of thanksgiving to me is gearing up for Christmas. It's like a "pre-Christmas", so why not have some decorations up? Plus… if we waited until after Thanksgiving, we wouldn't have any time to enjoy the decorations because we would be traveling all over the place for most of the month. 🙂 Your tree looks awesome.
What a gorgeous campus! I love your tree and decorations, it looks beautiful!
I love your tree! I can't bring myself to put mine up yet. Not till after Thanksgiving.
That picture looks like something that would be in a campus brochure. So pretty!
I loooove your tree! Classic red and green is ALWAYS a win in my book.
I'm disappointed about your YouTube but if a hobby has to go, always make it the one you don't completely love! Glad your blog is sticking around in the meantime!
Giveaways. YES. 🙂
Pretzels with ranch. YES.
Campbell is so gorgeous! Yay for a giveaway! I scheduled my post for Thanksgiving earlier today, so woot! 🙂 xoxo
I've been thinking of putting our tree up, too! I don't know why but for some reason I'm even more in the holiday spirit than usual lately! Your place looks so pretty and cozy!
I just got our tree up last night. And by up I mean it's up, but there's nothing on it yet. That's my plan for tonight.
Yay for walks to Starbucks! And don't worry about discontinuing your vloging. Like you said, stick with what feels right. 🙂