What I Got: Beauty Product Edition

by | Dec 29, 2014 | Throwback | 18 comments

Sephora Collection Color Bronze Palette: I wanted to link this for you, but apparently it was a hot commodity this season and it’s completely sold out everywhere!  I had no idea.  I hadn’t even heard of it but was pleasantly pleased to get it from my parents for xmas!  4 lipglosses.  8 gorgeous and soft shadows (I mean seriously, check out those colors!!!).  And a pretty bronzer.  I’ve used a few of the shadows already and I can say with certainty that I am in love.

SensatioNAIL Gel Nail Starter Kit: I’ll have a few review of this product coming soon, but you guys?  I am OBSESSED.

A Bit of Burt’s Bees: Chapstick and hand salve.  While the lemon butter cuticle cream is my number one favorite Burt’s Bees product, their hand salve is absolutely amazing during the winter months.  It tackles painfully dry skin in a heartbeat!

Elf Blush, Bronzer & Highlight Palette: Another item I can’t find to link for you guys.  I know it is a limited edition for the holidays (it came with a brush).  We found it at TJ Maxx, and I’m sure it’ll be there for a while.  I like the concept of all three of these products in a palette.  Totally convenient for traveling.  I’ve worn this every day since Christmas morning, and I love it.

NYX Matte Lipstick in Alabama: Such a gorgeous, comfortable and easy to wear brick red lipstick!

Color Me Essie Gift Set: Mademoiselle, Smokin’ Hot, Butler Please, Bahama Mama, Jazzy Jubilant.  Shockingly, all colors I didn’t have!!

Travelo Roller Ball with Taylor Swift Wonderstruck: I’ve been wanting a rollerball perfume for quite a while to keep in my purse.  This is absolutely perfect since I can refill this with any perfume I want for $10 whenever I run out!  And as for the TS Wonderstruck–I’ve been ob-ses-sed with this perfume since I received a sample of it.  Two thumbs up!

L’oreal Glossy Balm in Petite Plum: Impossibly glossy and comfortable!  There is a scent though, and I can’t quite put my finger on what it reminds me of.  I’m not a fan of the scent at all–but I don’t think it’ll bother me in the long run.  This is my first glossy balm, and I like it!

Chapstick Hydration Lock: We saw a commercial for this a few weeks ago and when it was over J and I both said out loud “wow, that’s cool.”  Now that I’ve had it for a few days, I can say for certainty that it is cool.  It’s seriously hydrating, and I can already feel it changing the condition of my lips.  I’ve also worn it under lipstick which worked out really well.

Clinique Acne Solutions: (Link is to the starter kit, not the mini box) This is the miniest of minis I’ve ever seen of this kit!!  It’s absolutely adorable and it was a fun stocking stuffer!!  Definitely something I can keep in my purse in case I’m ever in a situation where I end up staying somewhere overnight without planning ahead.

SoftLips Cube in Pomegranate  Blueberry: I’ve been a huge fan of softlips since I was 15.  I remember when I got my first one and how much I loved it.  These little cubes are adorable and the scent is really yummy!  They’re extremely slick so I wouldn’t wear them under a lipstick, but they’re great on their own!

Phew!  Did I get spoiled or what?  
We actually had Christmas with my inlaws yesterday where I got a few more really great things, 
but I didn’t have time to add them to this post.  
I’ll share those soon!

I hope you all had a wonderfully awesome holiday!  I always get a little bummed when Christmas is over, but then I remember that we still have New Years!  And that makes my heart giddy!  New Years Eve/New Years Day might just be my favorite ever!

What was your favorite gift this Christmas (or Chanukah)?

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  1. Wow, what a haul! I'd never heard of that Sephora palette either but it sounds and looks amazing! I want to try all of these products, especially the eyeshadows and all the great lip stuff! My favorite gift was my necklace from hubby, he did so great with the jewelry he got me but the necklace is my favorite because it was a total surprise and it's just so gorgeous! I can tell a lot of thought and care went into choosing it too. 🙂

  2. I got the BB cuticle cream this year and I looove it! It smells so good! That bronzer palette and all those gorgeous shimmer, cream colors in the Sephora palette are so pretty! I was just searching for a little travalo and of course didn't think to look at Kohl's! How cute is the little Clinique set?! I could probably keep commenting on everything, but I'll stop- but basically loving everything!

  3. Looks like lots of awesome beauty supplies! I bought that Essie kit for someone as a gift and now I want my own. Target didn't have anymore when I went back. Boo! I think I need a lip gloss that is named Alabama!

  4. I want ALL OF THESE THINGS. Particularly that Sephora Palette.

  5. I have that sensational nail gel kit and love it!! Can't wait to hear what you think of the rest of the products!! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston

  6. oooh i'll have to check out that bronze set thingy, hopefully my local store will have it in stock. i have a NYX matte lipstick, don't think it's the same colour but it is red and I absolutely love it!

  7. Girl, you always have such great beauty products. And I'm such a grandma over here with my same ol' drugstore brand cosmetics. And before the comment avalanche ensues… do you have any good mascara brands? I want something that lasts all day and really makes my eyes pop!


  8. Love those Essie polishes! I want an electric blue color like that!

  9. Oooooooh, the Sephora palate is making me swoooooon. I got a few gift cards there, so I'm looking forward to getting some new goodies. Steve got a really nice frame for a picture of She-Ra that I got autographed by the main animator. Im a nerd, I love it!

  10. I have that little Clinique set – I love it!! I'm dying to hear your review of the gel nail kit!! My mom got me an Ulta gift card for Christmas, per my request, and I am having such a hard time narrowing down my cart…lol. First world problems, I guess.

  11. I love ELF! They have such good products.

  12. Dang girl! You took in a haul of beauty products! I got slippers and a Jawbone. That Sephora palette looks awesome!

  13. I've thought about recommending the sensationail kit to you for ever–the only reason I may not have is because you enjoy changing your polish so often.

    I'm the opposite of you in that respect, but I got one las year as a Christmas present, and I probably only went 2 weeks this year without having something on my nails. I look forward to reading your thoughts on it.

    p.s. You can always just use rubbing alcohol instead of the nail cleanser, and the colors are usually cheapest at walmart or Amazon. The light also works with other brands, but I might recommend also getting their base coats if you do that. And if you're going for longevity, wear gloves for cleaning or washing dishes. I would also recommend getting the removal tool that they sell. It can really speed up the process (sometimes it feels like all the dry time you save is spent on removal)

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  15. What an amazing collection of beauty products! I love how you’ve reviewed a mix of makeup, skincare, and nail products. The NYX Matte Lipstick in Alabama sounds perfect for a bold, classic look, and the Sephora Collection Color Bronze Palette seems like a total must-have. I always find that pairing new beauty products with a good makeup set really helps to complete the look and keep everything organized for easy access. Thanks for sharing your haul—so many great ideas here for future beauty buys!


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