++ The weather on Tuesday and Wednesday was just so freaking gorgeous I couldn’t stop being outside. It was like a taste of spring in January which was just so welcomed. I like winter and winter weather (because let’s face it, I live in North Carolina and how winter does our winter get, really?), but the unstoppable sunshine and a little bit of warmth was just what the doctor ordered!
++ Monday’s episode of The Bachelor might have been the most boring in the history of the show, and that’s including all of Des’s season, which was just a yawnfest in general. I hate that I wasted my time. It might be trashy TV but it’s usually chalk full of pointless drama that is just perfect for “shutting my mind off.” Instead, it put me to sleep. Also, can anyone tell me why Crazy Ashley is 1) still there and 2) in this episode we didn’t hear a peep about her craziness? Hiiiiii producers.
++ I’m 27.9 running miles into January. That’s…a hell of a lot of miles for someone who isn’t really a runner. I’ve been able to keep up with my brother and sister (if only just barely) on our Nike+ challenge! I’m usually last place, but at least I’m keeping up.
++ I had a blogger date with Kristina & Meghan at Aviator last night. It just did my heart good to see them and catch up! I had the wings, which were freaking awesome. But I also ordered a rack of ribs for J which came with the tastiest looking fries ever so of course I had to order a side of fries. But because the ribs were a “dine in” special only, I ordered them regular and then got a box at the end. So for a while it looked like I was one happy fat chick with ALL OF THE FOOD! I think we broke all the blogging rules though because we forgot to grab a pic.
++ I’ve finally flipped back into my “early to bed, early to rise” schedule. I just love being crazy productive before the rest of the world wakes up. Yesterday, I met my chapter deadline, commented on a buttload of blogs, answered some emails and ran 3 miles all before 10:45. That’s what starting work at 6AM will do for you! I just find I have a much easier time focusing when the world is still asleep! Although I will say I had a major crash around 1:30. I laid down to read for a little bit and ended up falling asleep for about 45 minutes. And then another cup of coffee was necessary to function once I woke back up. But whatever!
I'm with you on the Bachelor. I liked Chris on whatever season he was on {terrible with names over here} but not so much as the Bachelor. He's kind of like Sean in that he's a nice guy… caring, respectful… but he has no standards like Sean did so he just makes out with all of them. Plus, when he talks it's super weird because I feel like he's trying to be a ventriloquist or something. MOVE YOUR MOUTH, bud. It's weird. And on another note, I'm super impressed with your running and super jealous you get to enjoy the outdoors!
So jealous on your blogger date last night!! I agree – if I'm going to waste my time watching the bachelor I would at least like them to highlight the crazies!!! Way to go on all the running – that is amazing!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
I miss living in North Carolina, it was such an awesome place.
1. I am so proud of your running streak!
2. You're right about the Bach. Hoping the drama gets better as the herd gets thinner.
3. JELLY of your blogger date night. Thank you for reminding me that I need to build a tribe here in Charlotte so I can do fun things like that 🙂
What part of NC do you live in? We always go to the NC mountains for vacation, I LOVE NC, such a beautiful place! Ooo, blogger date with all of the yummy food, how fun! WOW 27.9 miles, way to go!!
I totally agree the Bachelor was sooo boring Monday! I don't understand why Ashley is there either – it was like crazy Ashley last week and then this week nothing and he still kept her! Oh I LOVE Aviator! We used to live about 5 minutes from it before we moved last year – the food is so good! And I have done the same thing on their wing night – order it as dine in and then get a togo box when we are leaving..they are pretty nice about it as long as it doesn't come out of the kitchen in a box!
I haven't watched Monday's Bachelor yet but now I'm considering skipping it. But I just cannot believe crazy Ashley is still there! What is this man thinking?!
The beautiful weather did me a lot of good, too, and now I'm okay with the rain and cold that we'll have here for the next two days. I would love to try the early to rise thing and get some stuff done before leaving for work in the morning but I just love sleep too much. I should make that a goal, though, because it sounds so nice and there would be less to do in the evenings. Hmmmm…
You and your productivity…you are awesome, girl! I liked Monday's episode enough, but seriously, crazy Ashley!! I totally wondered how she got through a whole episode without being crazy. Hopefully she has her one-on-one soon, acts nuts, the producers are happy, and she can go home.
Yes!! The weather down south has been so perfect! I feel at any time it's going to get ripped out from under us!! Congrats on the miles! That's a ton! And yay for bloggy dates! They're the best!
The weather really has been a lot warmer lately. So unpredictable in the south!
Look at you and all your miles!! You added more since our talk yesterday! Go girl!!! I cant tell you how many blogger blates I have been on where we suck at taking pictures. It happens!
You know my thoughts on getting up early. I always feel like I waste my day away when I dont! Probably because I am an old person. Sigh.
I have never seen The Bachelor/The Bachelorette…reading recaps is enough for me I think, haha.
Send me some of your sun! I haven't seen any in weeks!
Hey girl! Nadine let me know that I was a no-reply blogger. 🙁 Thank you SOOOO MUCH for saying something. I *think* I have it fixed. If you don't mind testing it out?
i love going to bed early and getting up early – especially on the weekends, because i feel like i get so much done. during the work week i get up at 6am so i can get my workout in, but thats about all i can fit in before going to work- but it still helps me get through the day. if i had to go to the gym or run after work, most of the times i just won't do it.
so jealous of your weather.. sigh.
That's a lot of miles! I have definitely not logged that many! And Crazy Ashley…what? She's outta control — though the only time I noticed her this episode was when she made a terrible face when Becca got the rose on the first group date. Ready for next week — and hopefully more excitement!
xoxo Southern Style
Nice job on the running! I ran two miles Saturday. Woohoo, right?
The weather here is all over the place. Right now it's like 20 degrees which is conducive to…nothing.
I need to reset. I've been up too late and still up early and tired all the freaking time. I love early morning productivity too!
Well, I'm glad to see that I'm not missing too much on the Bachelor. My schedule just doesn't allow for that this month but I wasn't a huge fan of Chris anyways. Oh and we all didn't get a pic because I looked like a bum with nasty hair haha 🙂 Hope J enjoyed the ribs!
I've been getting up early before work to run and I am loving it! I just don't have the energy to actually workout when I get home. Still trying the whole go to bed early thing though.
Haha, I wanted to see more of "crazy" Ashley too, why is he keeping her though? Just weird.. I thought it was an alright episode, but I surprisingly didn't care much for the Jimmy Kimmel parts lol he was funny but it was awkward to watch.
You go girl!!! 27.9 miles?!! Awesome!!!
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