When I graduated college, I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do. All I knew was that I wanted to write books. Unfortunately, there aren’t job listings on Craigslist or Career Builder for “author.” As I’ve shared before, I was sorely disappointed when I found myself spending my days doing things I wasn’t good at and didn’t want to do.
I shared
here a more in depth story of how I came to the breaking point. But basically, after several attempts at jobs I was just
not cut out for, I made the decision that I needed to be writing. I was too afraid to apply for any kind of writing job (go figure, but I was perfectly comfortable applying for and getting jobs I was in no way qualified for. Don’t try to understand my logic. I can’t, either).
Looking at the big picture: write a book, it seemed impossible. I had no idea where to start. I could write, but I wasn’t sure I could come up with characters, storylines, a town, any of it. I spent a few weeks thinking I just wouldn’t ever be able to do it.
But I couldn’t get it off of my mind. So one afternoon, I sat down and broke that Big Picture down into baby steps. Create a cast. Create and name the town (I was still on Facebook at this point, and I hosted a poll for the town name). Map out the town. Attach roles to the cast. And finally…create a schedule.
Since I didn’t really know where the story would take me or what was going to happen, I took a general approach to the schedule. I was working full-time and planning a wedding, so I told myself I had to write a chapter a week. I sent the schedule to my accountability partner, and then I sat down to write.
I know it probably sounds strange that I didn’t really have a plan. Every writer is different. But I just sat down, put the characters in a setting, and watched to see what would happen.
When I was done (I started in November and wrote the last word in March), I really didn’t know what to do next. I told myself the point of it was to prove to myself that I could do it. And I left it at that. I went on to get married a few months later, we moved to Georgia, and the book found itself on the floor in my husband’s closet.
And that’s where it lived until we moved to Charlotte, where it got moved into a drawer in my desk.
And then we moved to Buies Creek. And still it sat, unopened.
Almost four years to the day from the time I wrote the last word, I decided it was time I found the courage to face it. I tried to identify the parts I liked. I got frustrated with the parts I didn’t like. I dissected some storylines and added depth. Others were ripped out completely. Characters changed, matured. And the more I rewrote, the more it turned into a real, live book before my eyes.
I was lucky enough to have talented editors as friends and family. The first time I sent the rewritten manuscript to the editor (the first time I shared it with anyone), I cried for almost two hours.
I was scared to death.
But I’d put in too much to turn back. I had to see it through. After several rounds of edits, many cups of coffee, too many tears, early mornings and painfully late nights…the book was ready.
On July 23, 2014, I hit “publish” on
Amazon.com. July 23 is a sad day in my family. It’s the day we lost our beloved friend (too small a word for what he was, really). That man had such a hand in turning me into the woman I am now. And he’s much of the reason I felt that nagging “you can do this” feeling as I embarked on the scariest journey I’ve been on to date. It was no accident I picked that day. I owe much of who I am to him, and I wanted my greatest accomplishment to honor him.
It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t convenient. It wasn’t always fun. There were days I felt like a zombie. There were days when I was absolutely certain it was all one big mistake. I had to reach deep inside myself to find a level of commitment, determination, and courage that I wasn’t quite sure I had.
It was completely worth it.
If there’s something that’s nagging you, but you aren’t sure where to start…pay it the attention it needs. Because I promise you, you can do it. And you’ll learn so much about yourself along the way.
I share this story with you today because
THIS WEEK my book,
Yeah, maybe is on sale for $1.99! It would mean the world to me if you gave it a chance. You might love it. You might hate it. And maybe you’ll feel something in between. But ultimately, I just want you to give it a chance. Share it with your friends, discuss your opinions. Rate it on Amazon and Goodreads. Tell me what you liked, what you didn’t. I want to grow, and the only way to do that is to face my fears. And in order to do that, I need your help.
**It is also a part of the Kindle Lending Library, so feel free to share it with your friends!**
If you feel so inclined, share this image on your social media outlets.
It would make my life, really.
Thank you for being on this journey with me, friends.
I'm so glad you shared this story today. I feel like I've gotten to know you over the last few months since I started blogging {Thanks for finding my blog, by the way!} and I knew you were an author but I didn't really know your story behind it. That is incredibly inspiring and I can't wait to read it. I know you must have put so much into it and overcoming the obstacles is what inspires me. And right about now, I need it. I hope the book takes off this week!! xoxo
My goal is to write a book. For ten years I have wrote and wrote and wrote only to delete delete delete. 🙁 Maybe one day. I am so proud of you sweet Joey! I shared the link on my blog today. I'll share it again throughout the week and on FB and Twitter and IG. You're awesome!
So awesome that you went after your dream! It can be such a scary thing to step out there instead of just marching along, being content with the status quo! But so worth it! Very excited for you, I hope your book does amazingly well this week and from now on! 🙂
Just one-clicked it! 🙂 Gonna start it today.
Thanks for sharing your story! I'll be sharing your graphic on my FB page tonight!
Writing a book is such an incredible accomplishment. It has been on my list forever, but I can't wait to finally read it!
That cake is so cute! I love hearing your story of your journey to publishing– it's sooo inspirational, as cheesy as that sounds.
This is so amazing! You are an inspiration. 🙂
I bought your book!! I can't wait to read it!! 🙂
congrats to making your dream a reality. i loved reading about it – can't wait to read your book 🙂
Congrats, girl! That is quite the accomplishment, and you should be proud!
I love seeing people making their dreams a reality! Such a brave thing to do and such an accomplishment!
I CANNOT WAIT TO FINALLY READ IT!! Loved this part of your story and so proud of you for making it happen!!! You are just awesome!
So that part about always wanting to be a writer but being afraid and not having the confidence to apply for any writing jobs? I get it. I feel the exact same way.
Two years ago, I finished NaNo. I still have yet to edit the book because it terrifies me. I did recently start writing a new one because let's face it, no one is knocking down my door, begging me to write books for them. So I'm taking control of my dreams, like you talked about, and am finally getting it done.
You should be so proud of yourself for pulling the trigger and writing and editing and publishing a book. So many people talk about it and never do it. It's a huge accomplishment.
This is so amazing — I've wanted to be a writer my whole life, but have never been able to tell myself I'm good enough to do actually do it! Your story is so inspirational! I can't wait to read it!! This is such an accomplishment — you just rock. That is all. 🙂
I thought about setting some kind of writing schedule, but I'm sort of working on a month by month basis and it's not fiction, so it's hard to push myself to be creative. I have a terrible feeling this is why I'd never be able to work from home: I lack the discipline.
I'll share your link on Thursday!
Just downloaded it girl!! Can't wait to read! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
Thanks for sharing your story, Joey! I'm in the middle of a big career/life change and I totally got the parts about when something just nags at you…but I'm not quite at the point where I can say for sure that this was worth it yet. I have more of those this-might-have-been-a-mistake days than I'd like, but I'm still pressing on and trusting that one day I'll get to the other side and know that it was all worth it. You're so inspiring!
Way to go!! What an inspiring story. Congrats on your publication 🙂
So cool!! I'm definitely going to check out your book!
Bought your book, lady. 🙂 And I have been giving some shout outs to whatever social media sphere I could find…kinda. 🙂 Don't want to over share because people get all like "not again that" moody. 🙂 So excited for you though. 🙂
Pretty cool! I will check out it on the Kindle. Thank you for sharing your story, and I hope that you had a great day today too!
I am so proud of you! You're awesome and I love that you followed your dreams! #YGG! 🙂 xoxo
I love reading your story…it makes me so happy that you followed that dream!! Such an amazing accomplishment!
I can't wait to read the book! I haven't had time to start it yet but after hearing your struggle and your success of getting it complete, I'm excited to read it! I can't believe you wrote a whole book!
That's awesome! Thanks for sharing the story (of your story). Downloading it tonight!
So glad you took a chance and are doing what you love Joey. Such a great story girl!