I’ve Been Keeping A Secret…

by | Mar 2, 2015 | Throwback | 38 comments

…since December
We’re leaving Buies Creek. 
Until last week, we didn’t know where we were going.
We just knew we were leaving.

But now we know where we’re going.
So yeah, we’re moving.

We’re moving…  WE’RE MOVING!!!!
Praise Jesus, Hallelujah!
Back to land of Targets and Restaurants!!
There are angels singing somewhere.  You hear them too, right?

There is a whole lot of story here; some is mine to tell and some isn’t.  Things have been insane the last few months and only got more so in the last week.  I’ll go into details eventually, but I knew I couldn’t move without saying anything.
I’m leaving tomorrow.  I know.  I KNOW!  Last week when we went on that sneaky little adventure?  Yeah, I was attending job interviews.  I landed a job (yay), and it starts on Wednesday.  I’ll be staying with a friend for a couple weeks until J joins me later in the month.
That, my friends, is life.  You never know what’s around the next corner.
In the meantime, I’ll be a weeeeee bit MIA as we make this transition.
And I PROMISE you a post coming soon with a little more information on 
what the heck just happened.

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  1. CONGRATS!!! You'll have a real mailbox again!!! 😉

  2. Blogger loves me enough to let me comment again! Good luck at your new job. And enjoy Target, the real happiest place on Earth 🙂

  3. YAAAYYYY!!!! I'm so happy for you & J, friend! Be sure to enjoy a lot of Target for me until I head back to the states, okay?! Love you!

  4. Yay yay couldn't be more excited for this official announcement!! So glad you got a job and will be there so soon… I'll be joining you in just 2 weeks 🙂

  5. Hmmm. I'm 90% sure I just commented on this post but it doesn't seem to have posted. *headdesk*

    As I was saying…yay!! Congrats, girl! I'm so happy that you're moving back to a place with restaurants! YAY RESTAURANTS! Way to go on landing a new job, too! Hope your first week goes well, along with the rest of the craziness that comes with moving! 😀

  6. Whoo I love Charlotte! Safe travels and good luck with the move!

  7. Oh wow, how exciting! Congrats on the move and the new job! Yay for having a Target again! 🙂

  8. Wow!! So exciting!! The land of Targets and restaurants, lol. Congratulations on the new job too, that's awesome!! I read your book over the weekend too. I really enjoyed it, you did a great job. It brought back memories of when I was in high school at my all-girls catholic school. Sigh. Haha. Looking forward to hearing more details, and I'm happy for you guys. 🙂

  9. Oh my goodness! How exciting. I can't wait to see where this adventure takes you. Yay for being back in the "real" world where Target exists! 😉 Congrats on the job!

  10. Congrats on the job and the move and everything! I'll be in Charlotte for a few days in September and I'm going to need all the inside information on where to go 🙂

  11. Oh wonderful, congrats!!!!!

  12. Well this is exciting, next time I'm in town we meet up for lunch or something!

  13. The secret is out of the bag!!! I am going to need you to get settled in and get back on gchat missy! My weeks are not the same!

  14. YES! I'm still just so thrilled for you, sweet friend. I know being away from J will be tough, but totally worth it! When do you guys move into your new place?

  15. So so excited for you!!! And I can't imagine your excitement over Target & restaurants!

  16. Good luck on the move… that's always a big transition of living in boxes for a bit 🙂 Makes it easier when target is nearby 🙂

  17. how excitement!! but yes can't wait to hear how this happened cause i am nosy like that.

  18. so much excitement! I know you're so happy to be returning to a place where real restaurants and such are right around the corner (says the girl who lives in a town 30 minutes from EVERYTHING haha). Can't wait to hear the rest of the story!

  19. Praying for you Joey! I know that God's plan will be made evident in His timing 🙂 Good luck with the move!

  20. That is so exciting! Congrats on the move and congrats on the job!

  21. I saw this on IG this morning and couldn't wait to get home to find out where you were going. I am SOOO very excited for you and J. Good luck with the move, the new job and keep us updated! Go girl!!

  22. Congrats! You know I'm excited for you! Can't wait until you are settled. I'll miss my daily reading of your posts!

  23. Yay! I knew all thone positive vibes you were sending out had to work out eventually! I couldn't be happier for you and J and can't wait to hear all about it when you get settled! Yay!

  24. WOO HOO! So pumped! P.S. I'm making lots of trips to Char to see you! xo

  25. Yay!! Big changes! So exciting 🙂

  26. So awesome!! Congratulations on the new adventure!! xo, Biana

  27. Oh my gosh!!!! So excited for you guys, though I am dying for more details!

  28. Congrats on the new job and the move! How exciting!

  29. Okay, I'm so behind, but CONGRATS on the move!! The land of Target and restaurants is always a good place 🙂


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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