I’m In Trouble…

by | Apr 21, 2015 | Throwback | 25 comments

If you follow me on instagram, then you know Publix just opened literally right behind my apartment.  The thing is, there’s a light rail between us.  Which means I have to walk around to get there.  Even still, it’s only about a 10 minute walk.  (I hear they’re planning to build a foot bridge.  Please build a foot bridge).

So last night when the I have to have dessert urge hit, knowing the Publix bakery was just a few yards away wasn’t helping matters.  Somehow I convinced the hubs to ride over with me (you know, because it was threatening to rain again…and we learned our lesson the last time).  On the elevator ride up, a kind employee asked if we liked ice cream.  Uh, duh.  Then he gave us a coupon for a free half gallon.  thankyouverymuch.

The other problem is this…

Sycamore Brewery is just beside our complex.  Don’t ask me why it took us almost 5 weeks to try it out, but now that we have?  Oh holy goodness.  They serve sandwiches throughout the week, but Friday-Sunday they have different food trucks just outside.  Kristina mentioned that she had the Hot Box food truck the weekend before and raved about how good it was.  And oooooooooooh man. All I’m going to say is this: Cheese and herb risotto fritters.  Cheese and herb risotto fritters.  I also had the shrimp poboy which was freaking fantastic.  I think we just found our new Saturday spot.  The beer was tasty too!

It’s a good thing we walk a lot around these parts.  A real good thing.

And now I want some more freaking fritters.
You’ll know where to find me this weekend.
Ps…this is in no way a sponsored post.  Sycamore and Publix have no idea who I am.  Promise.

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  1. OMG I gained 5lbs looking at that stuff. Eat up, life is short! xo Amanda

  2. I love late night dessert runs. I get the urge all too frequently. It's nice to live somewhere where the urge can be satisfied! Those risotto fritters though….

  3. I'm so incredibly jealous.

    There's a great food scene here too, but I never go out alone and my only friends are more of the chain restaurant style of people because they have little kids. Scott and I found some great places last summer.

  4. Good lord, send me all that yummy. NOW! The ice cream first though 😉 Haha. Love you, friend! So glad you're finding so many awesome places near you!

  5. I LOVE Publix! We don't have one within walking distance though, that would definitely be dangerous! Coupons for free ice cream would be dangerous as well, I can never turn down free stuff! 😀

  6. Give me all the food trucks!! That looks amazing. Po'boys are my most favorite thing on the planet (besides like gummy bears) — and that one looks awesome. Hooray for strangers giving away free ice cream coupons!!! 🙂

  7. I'm just all around jealous of this post because I dont have a Publix up here…and it makes me sad!! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston

  8. I had heard great things about Sycamore Brewery but after your pictures—I am sold! Looks delish!

  9. This whole post made me laugh. Especially the last sentence haha. We have a Trader Joe's within walking distance so I understand your fear. 🙂 But it is a good thing trust me!! It is seriously great to have a grocery store so close. Oh and I wanted to tell you that we flew through Charlotte on this last trip and on the way home it was the worst experience. Ever. Anyways, had to share that really quick..hehe. Have an amazing day!! 🙂

  10. At least you can walk to Publix even if it is a little distance..but think you are walking to get the ice cream and burning off some calories that you are going to eat later.

  11. I need to visit a state that has Publix so I can try this infamous bakery for myself! I've yet to have a grocery store bakery cake that was worth finishing but I'm holding onto hope that one exists!

  12. YUMMMMMMMM! Now I'm hungry.


  13. I'm so glad I can't walk to the Publix that just opened near me. It would be so dangerous! Haha. I love their bakery!!!

  14. If that's trouble then trouble=heaven. I'm so hungry and jealous right now!

  15. I love Publix and really wish we had one here!

  16. Hahaha. You crack me up but yes, I can see the problem of so clearly. Absolutely. So glad that if I lived there I wouldn't be tempted that much. One fries look and sound fabulous and yes, my mouth is watering but those fries would halfway kill my gut. Hahaha that's where I won't get tempted. Yay?! Maybe. Gosh I'm hungry. 😉

  17. I'm so flipping hungry right now!! This did NOT help haha. I would be in trouble too friend. I live in a neighborhood on the outskirts of our town, the only place we can walk to is our gym and the Dollar General LOL

  18. Oh my goodness I'd be such a sucker for the brewery. I'd probably be there every day. We don't have Publix here but I bet I'd be addicted too.

  19. I'm glad we don't have a publix or any good food near our house.. seriously, the closest things are Wendys, Burger King and McDonalds. Vomit.

  20. Shut your mouth!!! Cheese and herb risotto fritters????? That sounds like little balls of heaven in your mouth. Annnnnnd I would have a hard time being able to walk to Publix too. You are in trouble my friend, big trouble! 🙂

  21. That all looks so good!! Naturally, I have never heard of Publix, because, Canadian…but the food at both places looks AMAZING. I'm kind of glad we don't really have anywhere good to eat within walking distance. It would definitely be trouble with my lack of will power.

  22. "Sycamore and Publix have no idea who I am. Promise." Bahahaha! We live about a quarter mile from Target, Starbucks and McDonald's… THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!


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