Why I Don’t Leave Home with Chipped Nails

by | Jul 17, 2015 | beauty, Loves | 14 comments

We’ve all been out when the worst happens.  A nail chips and you want to curl into a ball and die, praying no one will see you.

Man, I wish there were a sarcasm font.

Okay, so obviously that statement is a little dramatic.  I’ll run to the store with chipped nails.  I’ll pull through a drive-thru.  I’ll run to the bank.  But what I mean is I don’t go out with chipped nails.  I don’t go to work, dinner, drinks with friends and so on with chips.  And the reason why is because it looks sloppy.

Now let me make this clear.  I don’t judge you for having chipped nails.  But hear me out.  You wouldn’t go to work without looking presentable, would you?  Now, you might meet friends for drinks or dinner a little more casual, but I assume you probably put in a little effort to your hair and makeup.

Manicures are meant to make you look more polished.  Put together.  Clean.  Chips, in my opinion, give the opposite impression.  If your manicure is badly chipped and you don’t have the time to redo it, simply remove it.

I know for a fact people seeing a Joey out in the wild without nail polish is like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs, but I’d much prefer the are you feeling okays to appearing sloppy.

I’m a super casual person.  I don’t have to dress professionally for work.  I’m not talented in the whole fashion department, either.  There are a few things I can do to compensate for my lack of style.  I can do my hair.  I can throw on a splash of makeup.  And I can rock a killer mani.

Chips happen.
But don’t let them ruin your first impression.

Julep Lainey
Julep Lainey
In other news, I am completely obsessed with this julep polish.  It was part of my June Maven Box, and it’s classified as a wonder maven.  I wasn’t sold on it at first glance but convinced myself to keep it in the box.  And even in the bottle I wasn’t so sure.  But ooooooooh baby, I’m in love.  That’s what I think I like so much about my maven subscription, it forces me out of my box and it surprises me every time!
Get this polish and others for 25% off with my friends and family link.  If you’re already a maven, you’ll be saving more than 40% on orders with this link!
Sign up for a monthly subscription here and get your first box free!

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  1. I'm with you. Chipped polish is nasty. If you'll take the time to paint them then take the time to take it off when it has ran its course!!!

  2. I'm so with you on this subject matter!! Even though I'm heading to the gym soon and two of my nails are chipped. But 1. its the gym, and 2. I'm getting a manicure this afternoon. Anyway… yeah it definitely looks sloppy and I always hope that no one sees my chipped nails. Sometimes I just take it off but then I don't want people to think that I have gross nails. I'm weird I know.. Love that polish color too its gorgeous. I hope that you have a great day today and a lovely weekend too!! 🙂

  3. I hate chipped polish, it grosses me out!

  4. That polish is gorg and I'm with you on the anti-chip campaign haha. As soon as one chips, I peel off all the rest. Whoops!! Hope you have a great weekend, love!

  5. Going by this logic, I shouldn't leave the house 🙁

    To be honest, this is probably why I don't paint my nails very often (usually in the winter I do OR when I have conferences at school or when I have lots of meetings or are in a more professional setting than just being in front of kids all day). I don't like being responsible for keeping up with it and I know they'll chip and I do know that I will bite them no matter what. I've never been able to give up the habit.

  6. I haaaate when my polish chips when I'm at work and then I'm stuck going through the rest of the day unable to fix it, feeling like everyone is silently judging me, haha. Though I'm sure people don't notice as much as I think! (hopefully)– that polish is soooo pretty!

  7. Haha this is why I don't get around to painting my fingers too often. After a day or two it starts to chip and I just don't have the time to keep fixing them so off the polish comes and they dont get painted for like another month. Sigh. Right now three of my fingers are chipped on my left hand as I am sitting here at work. Probably should take the rest of the day off, right? Haha!

  8. i hate chipped nail polish. which is why i have 100% given up and refuse to paint my nails anymore, except maybe for special occasions. no matter what i do, it chips immediately. i have tried everything, every product, getting them done professionally and shellac. i give up! i absolutely judge people with chipped nails lol.

  9. I hardly ever paint my nails for this reason! I hate how chipped polish looks! That color is gorgeous, absolutely love it!

  10. That is a GORGEOUS color!!! And I am totally on board with "if it chips – it comes off" I can't stand chips!

  11. OMG, yes. I didn't wear nail polish for 5 days when I was in Atlanta because I didn't have the time to put into my nails and a lot of friends asked me if all was okay. But, let's be real, I go out with my nails looking better than my make-up most days! 🙂 xo

  12. I completely hear you! I hate chipped polish, it drives me crazy. And when I polish my girls nails……..yea they're chipped pretty bad and coming off within the first day =(
    That's why I tried Jamberry Nail wraps. Tried them, got hooked & joined, lol. If you'd like to try a FREE sample, I'd love to mail you out one! xoxo

  13. Instead of shaking your polish up and down, roll it between your hands to eradicate and prevent air bubbles. If you paint air bubbles onto your nails, they'll chip faster. I also use the Lady Soma Skin & Nail cream about once a day, and my nails do not chip at all.


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