by Joey | Aug 13, 2015 | Throwback | 20 comments
Comparing ourselves to others is practically served to us on a silver platter in this digital world. We have constant access to everyone's highlight reel. We carry around a device that chirps and chimes, which studies have proven sends dopamine through our systems....
So my friend called me last week in a bit of a panic. Without really meaning to, she and her husband sold their house and bought a new one. I'd tell you the whole story about how someone randomly showed up on their doorstep putting in an offer on their house that...
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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.
My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.
If you’re into the kind of books that suck you in, make you fall in love with the characters and root for the underdog, then you’ll probably love these stories.
How crazy is that??? Out of a gated community and everything! My old car got stolen that was awful. So I hope they find whoever stole this person's car!
Pete's car got broken into once. Things they didn't take: full set of golf clubs and iPod. What they did was open his softball backpack, take the mitt out of it and take off with the backpack and cleats/dirty sweats. ?? Dafuq?! lol
Jump roping is intense – I don't know how I spent so many hours doing it as a kid! Your Friday night sounds a lot like mine, and I can't wait either! What are you reading?
Ok, wow lots to comment on here.
1. Yikes. Grand theft auto!
2. Jumping rope is no joke. How did we do this stuff when we were kids?
3. Yay for the giveaway and I like how you did it with just the comment. Fingers crossed!
It is amazing what can go on at apartment communities with all those different people living in one area! When I used to manage some, I hated when we had a break in or one of our residents did something stupid. People always freaked out and wanted to break their leases but the truth is…crime has no address. It literally happens everywhere.
I have been wanting to order these glasses for a long time/need new ones!! Thank you for the chance 🙂 And great job with your workouts!!
I just got a new prescription, so I could use the glasses!
Yikes!!! That is crazy that stuff like that happened in your gated community.
Ugh I would be afraid I would sound like Godzilla if I jumped these days, but hooray for easy to come by workouts!
wow, that's an exciting Saturday. And yes jump rope really does get the heart going.
My car got broken into one night. They took my GPS, left my wallet, my cash inside, my credit cards inside, etc. Just the darn GPS. That sucked, but the worst part was sitting in my car knowing that someone else had been sitting there….yuck!
Happy jump roping……now I think I need to go out and buy myself one!! xoxo
Oh my gosh, that's scary!! Thankfully I've never had my car stolen, but I have had it broken into a couple of times, it sucks!
lol i jump roped a few times a week in 2012, actually that is when i was in my best shape, so perhaps i need to pick it up again!
that is seriously crazy (and terrifying) about a car being stolen from your gated community.
Whoa — you never know what craziness can happen right outside your door! And, jump rope? I haven't done that in ages. Although, now I really want to get a SkipIt… that's still a workout, right?
Kat 🙂
OMG stole a car…shut up! That's crazy. I cannot complain about my week love so I hope your Friday night comes quickly…I need mine to come slowly. And I'm so rolling with the too late for the gym xoxoxoxoxo Amanda
That's scary about the car break ins. I thought about jump roping & also hoola hooping. The jump roping didn't last long.
jumping rope is no joke! i always jump rope as part of my warm up and sometimes when i'm feeling extra strong, i'll use the weighted ropes…holy shoulder burn!
How the heck were they able to steal it out of a gated community??! That's crazy! Luckily no one was hurt, but man, I'd be nervous.
I hope you have a relaxing weekend!
I'm finally reading your blog again {or reading in general}. Missed reading yours. About the auto theft story…this is crazy. You'd think you'd be safe in a gated community but even I know that this is sadly not the case. A friend's car was broken into a few months ago…I mean, yes, this can happen anywhere but it just sucks. 🙁 And I do need to try to get back into some sort of fitness. I've been lazy and that is not good at all.
Say whattttt?!?! OMG! Glad all was okay, though! Jump rope is no joke, dude! And Firmoo is always so generous! xo