I’m the kind of person who needs something to look forward to in the morning, or I end up having a really hard time getting out of bed.
I took my day job with the intention of using the schedule to aggressively chase my dreams. Moving back to Charlotte meant a lot of changes, chief among them, our rent tripled. Working full-time writing wasn’t going to be an option anymore.
When people hear that I don’t go into work until 11:30, their first question is why the heck to you get up so early? So today, I thought I’d share a glimpse into what my mornings look like.
5:00AM. The husband starts stirring for work and my alarm goes off. Sometimes I manage to jump right up and get my day started. Lately, if I’m being honest, getting up has been a struggle. Snooze.
5:25AM. I start to strongly consider getting out of bed. I’d love to get out of this habit, but I lay in bed for a while cuddling with the dog while scrolling through my phone. I also start my daily chat with Myra.
5:35AM. Coffee time. I don’t pass go. I don’t collect $200. I go straight to the coffee pot, pour in about two tablespoons of french vanilla creamer, grab a blanket + my computer and head to the couch. I allow myself to watch youtube while enjoying my coffee. I feed the pup and walk her.
6:00-9:00AM. I start working around 6. Sometimes this means scheduling social media. Sometimes it’s pounding out blog posts and articles. Sometimes it’s designing a website or business planning. Something it hasn’t been enough of lately is replying to emails. I suck at emails right now. I promise I’m working on it.
9:00AM. Get ready. I’ve been trying to develop some kind of habit or routine around this, but nothing’s stuck yet. My day job schedule is a little wonky sometimes, so I haven’t been as committed to the gym and showering at night like I’d like to. I watch Netflix on the iPad while getting ready. I need to break this habit, too. It tends to slow down the process. Sometimes I eat breakfast at this time. Sometimes I opt to eat at Starbucks.
10:00AM. I pack up shop and head to Starbucks most mornings. I’ve been trying to prioritize writing, and I hate that I do my best writing in a coffee shop. Luckily, I got a ton of Starbucks gift cards for xmas, so this habit hasn’t been costing me a dime. I will say, though, that I do have a coffee shop budget built in each month for this exact reason. I love that I tend to see the same people every day, and it makes me feel like part of the outside creative world.
11:20AM. My Starbucks is right around the corner from my job, so I love that I can write up until the very last minute. I pack up around 11:20 and head off to work.
I used to be such a morning person. And I guess by standard definitions, I still am. But I’ve just been tired lately. High school Joey is laughing in my face right now. That girl used to get up voluntarily at 4:45 every morning. Ridiculous.
I love getting up early and having time to myself before work! Sounds like you have a pretty good routine down, especially since you have so much time before you have to be at work. I think about how early I got up in high school all the time.. I would have 530 AM outdoor swim practice during the spring! I could never do that now haha
I am SO bad at mornings….especially, when the sun isn't even out. God bless you for even TRYING to get out of bed that early. Even though I've never liked mornings, I used to be able to get out of bed immediately when my alarm went off. Now, the alarm goes off at 6, and I check all of my social media, etc. on my phone before PRYING myself out of bed at 6:30. (Which is the absolute latest I can get up and get out the door to work on time!)
I think it's great that you get so much done in the mornings…If I had to be in at work at the same time as you I totally think I'd still get up as early as I do now to get stuff done! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
You are a HERO for waking up early to chase your dreams before work. HERO.
I get up at 5. Sometimes I snooze til 5:20. But the dogs start jumping on me if I don't feed them by 5:30. (Like now, on spring break, I wake up to whining at 7am.)
However, I brush my teeth, put my contacts in, and go straight to the coffeepot and then the computer, while watching the local news. I start getting ready for the day at 6:00. It usually only takes me 20 minutes once I figure out what I'm wearing and then I clean things up, take the dogs out to run around and am out the door by 7.
I'm always ridiculously jealous of the people setting up shop in Starbucks…as I run in to grab a coffee-like drink on my way to school. Because once I hit that building, my time is no longer my own.
1. sending you a big hug today 🙂 2. I'm the worst morning person ever and I really want to get an actual alarm clock, because even if I get up when my alarm goes off I end up laying in bed on my phone being unproductive & then before I know it, an hour has passed by. What time do you usually go to bed??
I envy you. I'm the furthest thing from a morning person, but I'd love if I had the ambition and motivation to be at my desk by 6AM every morning. I feel like I'd get so much more done!
Loved getting a glimpse in to your mornings. I love that you make time for writing every morning!!! You gotta chase after those dreams and keep them alive. I have to have a routine to make my mornings start off right. I wake up at 435, and grab a glass of water and play on my phone for about 15 minutes to wake up. Usually that means making my moves in games with my mom (trivia crack, words with friends and ruzzle) then I work out, grab a shower, let the dogs outside, make Chris's lunch, make a cup of coffee and breakfast and sit down to write my blog post and read other blogs. Around 7 I do my make up, hair, bring the dogs back in, pack my lunch and am out the door by 745 at the latest.
I love that you get up so early even though you don't have to. I get a ton done in the mornings as well.
Gosh, I need to learn to wake up early or have some sort of a routine in…your mornings sound so perfect, yes, even with you waking up this early!!!
Your mornings sound very productive, Joey. I am so impressed because I am terrible at this so I try really hard. If I start my morning with social media, it's shot.
I've started (again) planning my day the night before so that when I wake up, I exercise and start working my plan. But honestly, it's doesn't come naturally for me.
Yoᥙ inply like after we sing prаise songs in Church??
Lɑrry requеsted and daddy noddеd. ?Well I coulⅾ make up a worshiр song.?
Ѕo Larry jumped to his ft and began to make up
a tune to a reaⅼly dɑngerоus tune. ?Jеsus is so cool.
Its fun Ƅeing witһ God. He is tһe funnest Good ayone could have.?
Laгry ѕang very badlly so Lee haɗd pput hiѕ palms over his ears.