Charlotte Creatives with CLTivate, The Gallery, & Bliss Creative

by | Oct 25, 2016 | Real Life | 4 comments

Do you believe in random connections? I don’t. I think everyone we meet is meant to cross our paths for one reason or another.

I love when the reason for random encounters becomes abundantly obvious. I like it even more when you can identify those encounters as God Things.

You know what I mean, right? When you can actively see and feel God’s involvement in something.

That’s what it was like when Amanda and I randomly met Zack from CLTivate in an odd series of events. We became fast friends, and after he shared his story, we excitedly put a meeting on our calendars to chat business.

CLTivate non-profit

Long story short, he hired Bliss Creative to help spread the word about his non-profit.  We put together a local creatives event partnered with The Gallery South End, and it ended up being such a successful event!

I’m not an event planner. Not even close. In fact, everything about putting an event together gives me major anxiety. Suddenly, I’m sixteen all over again wondering if anyone is going to show up to my party.

Not only did most everyone show up, it ended up being such an amazing group of people. You never know with something like this, but everyone was so lovely and got along so well.

charlotte creatives

📷 Rabi Majid

Halfway through the event I just stepped back and thanked God. One chance meeting that could have gone totally unrecognized turned into a meaningful business relationship that ended up bringing so many wonderful creative minds together.

The truth is, moments like these are everywhere. You just have to open your heart to them. Growing up, I was quite a social butterfly, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve become much more introverted and shy. I’m so thankful that my business requires for me to push myself out of my comfort zone and make connections with people I might otherwise miss out on.

I vlogged the day of the event! It would mean a lot of me if you’d subscribe to my youtube channel!

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  1. This looks so awesome! I actually found you/your blog from pictures posted from this event 🙂

  2. So wish I could’ve been there!

  3. What an awesome event and congrats for helping put it all together and making it happen. That is awesome!!! I am so with you, most people are put in our path for a reason and sometimes it is up to us to realize that and make the most of it!

  4. I love hearing your voice (in the least weird way)! Love the vlog and so glad the event went well, but mostly glad that J made it back in one piece!


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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