Life Lately

by | Dec 15, 2016 | Real Life | 5 comments

Happy Thursday, pretty friends! I’ll admit, I totally forgot to write a blog post for this morning until I saw Kristin’s post go up. It’s been that kind of week.

Jonathan and I have started house hunting. I know. I know. We moved into this sweet little apartment almost two years ago desperate for city life and to be where the people are. (Yes, I channelled my inner Ariel when we were moving here. Life in Buies Creek will do that to a girl.) But alas, it’s time to move on.

So, if you’re in the Charlotte area looking for a great 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment in South End, hit a girl up. Or if you’re just nosy and want to see what our apartment looks like, go for it. Click that link!

We are so behind on Christmas. I had visions of festivities and cookie baking and gift shopping and well…we’ve done none of it. Aside from putting the tree up, Christmas is painfully devoid from this home. Pumping out a ton of work for Bliss, arranging for a sublet, and looking for a house sure is distracting. But we’re officially done with client work for the remainder of the year. So I think baking some xmas cookies will make it to my todo list today.

My little business has been bringing my heart so much joy. It’s put me in touch with some really awesome people and lead to some amazing opportunities. I drove out to Fort Mill last night to have a little meeting with Whitney (spoiler alert, we’re about to partner up on something huge)! As I sat at her kitchen table, laptops open, discussing business, I felt so happy and proud. We’re doing the damn thing, y’all. It’s scary and big and totally unknown half the time, but my goodness is it worth it.

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  1. I just did a little dance in my office chair when I saw my name in the post! (insert party emoji here) I’m so stoked after our convo last night, but even more happy to have you as a local friend!

  2. you’re not alone. I feel so unprepared for Christmas. I haven’t even sent out Christmas cards yet. I have a lot of making up to do. But we can do it! We’re going to take Christmas by the horns and get things done. I look forward to hearing about your awesome progress soon 🙂

  3. Oh I remembered to post but there were several times last night where I was thinking “Yeah, that’s not going to happen”. Glad my minuscule effort encouraged you 🙂

    I’m off the gift game this year. I’m just tired at the end of the day and so I only get things done on the weekends. There aren’t many weekends in December.

  4. I think I started getting into Christmas at the end of September, and somehow it still caught up with me as it does every year- I guess there’s still a few days left… I can’t believe you guys have already been in your apartment for 2 years! It seems like you were just moving!

  5. We didn’t do as much Christmas stuff either this year and I’m learning to be okay with it. Just because it looks different this year doesn’t mean it’s not still magical in it’s own way, you know? It’s still Christmas, after all.


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