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Thank God for good reality TV. There’s just something about getting sucked into the alternate universe where the emotions are high and nothing seems like normal life.
I could take or leave season 5 of LIB. But this season? Yes please thank you very much. Talk about delivering on the drama, y’all.
I have opinions. I’d love to know where you stand on these topics, so be sure to sound off in the comments below.
I feel like this should go without saying but to (and your’s): SPOILERS AHEAD! At the time of writing this, I’ve watched all that’s been released: Episode 9: Secret Rendezvous.
First up, let’s talk about the Chelsea + Megan Fox + Jimmy situation.
I want to make something clear: Chelsea is gorgeous. Absolutely f***ing gorgeous. I don’t think anyone would be discussing how she looks if she didn’t bring up this comparison. That being said — the stare down Jimmy gave the camera during the reveal said a mouthful without a single word being uttered.
I had to go back and rewatch the scene because I couldn’t remember how the topic even came up and imagine my surprise when I realize…
Just before this exchange, Chelsea had asked Jimmy if he could really see himself being with someone at the end of this. His response? I don’t want to talk about other people, but yes. There’s some awkward silence and then he asks to change the subject.
I MEAN!!!!
The subject change? Chelsea asks Jimmy if anyone ever tells him he looks like a celebrity. Sneaky sneaky. I see what you did there, girl.
The first words out of Jimmy’s mouth when he make the Megan Fox connection? Can we get married?
Say what you want, but the strategy worked in the moment, I’d say. Did it work long-term? Well, only time will tell. The previews for what’s to come would suggest otherwise.
Do I think Jimmy chose Chelsea over Jessica because of the comparison? Yes. I think he really liked them both, but Chelsea’s goofy personality gave her a slight edge. A goofy gorgeous girl makes for a special kind of life. What man doesn’t want a woman who can make you snort laugh and turn you on?
I think Chelsea loved Trevor but liked Jimmy. But I think she chose Jimmy because he picked her. And she said herself: she felt unlovable. And it’s clear she’s dealt with insecurity issues in her life (not a dig — we all do). And despite logic, I can imagine it feels a certain kind of way when an insecure person is the one picked in that kind of situation.
Chelsea said it herself, she thought Jimmy was dumping her when he came out with the “I love you.” It clearly caught her off guard and took her by complete surprise. It made her feel special, I can’t blame her for that. Especially knowing who she was up against, as a girl with insecurity issues myself, hell, I’d feel some kind of way if chosen over Jessica for sure.
Honorable mention: The T-Rex run at the reveal. Now, I get it — it has to be so painfully awkward to close that distance at a normal pace. But maybe, just maaayyyybbbee we let the dude do the running next time.
Brittany & Kenneth & the world’s most bizarre breakup.
I actually said out loud what did I just watch as the scene was ending. There was Brittany, folded over at the kitchen counter, crying one of those deep, gutteral, soul escaping kind of cries and Kenneth just…what? Walks upstairs, packs a bag and calls his buddy?
I was so confused by the whole thing. I know editing does editing things, but there had to be something that happened behind the scenes. Because Brittany brings up one intense conversation and Kenneth just bails? And I actually really liked them in the pods. I thought they were the real deal. I know the conversation with AD rattled Kenneth. And I certainly think that altered things for Kenneth — but how was that not something he considered before proposing?
Whatever the case, I have to say it was one of the oddest breakups I’ve ever witnessed. What did you guys think?
Matthew defends himself
We all saw the awkwardness play out on screen. And we’ve all probably watched enough reality TV to assume that editing plays a massive role. But I was definitely left wondering what was real and what was the magic of producers and editing. But we don’t have to wonder any more because in the comment section of a video montage that Love is Blind posted to their Instagram account, Matthew sounded off in the comment section.
“Key element of my story that was never disclosed is that I live an alcohol free lifestyle and did the experiment sober,” Matthew said from his own personal account. “It was a key factor in why I had so much difficulty connecting with women in the beginning. There was also many misrepresentations and falsehoods created in my opinion to smear my character. I look forward to telling my side of the story with the full truth at the appropriate time.” He also went on to say that the truth was misrepresented and that he never walked out on a woman when she was talking.
Sarah Ann came to his defense during a recent Q&A on her Instagram.
I have to imagine doing the experiment sober would be tough. Probably not as tough as having to check yourself into an alcohol rehab post filming — which I feel like some contestants should probably do.
Jeramey, Lost & Found, Sarah Ann & Laura
WTF. That’s honestly the thought that ran on a loop in my mind while I watched that scene. What the actual eff? I was honestly just so confused initially because maybe I’m in the minority here but I got the vibe that Jeramey was a good, cool fun dude initially. I thought he was really in this thing. I only just recently saw the reports that he had been engaged just weeks before the show filmed — which he claims he didn’t keep a secret, but it’s all a little too convenient if you ask me. My mouth was hanging open the whole scene. And I have so many questions.
- If you were out with other cast mates, why wasn’t Laura included?
- Where did Laura think you were and what did she think you were out doing?
- If there really wasn’t anything to hide, why not just tackle the situation head on? Laura was part of the same experiment. Why not just send a text, instead of sharing your location, with like “Hey, I know this looks really bad but Sarah Ann is here and we feel like we need to chat things through. I’ll be home late, but I am coming home. You’re still it for me.”
I don’t think the answers to those questions actually matter. And I definitely don’t think number 3 would go over all that well, but clearly this didn’t go over well, either.
I have to say, though. The fact that Laura knew the whole time that Jeramey wasn’t where he was claiming to be and came in with that mic drop moment? ::Chef’s Kiss:: Now that’s some good TV.
I think that’s all I’ve got for today. I do have one question though. In the preview scene where we see Chelsea yelling You f***ed her! I know you f***ed her! do you think she’s yelling at Jimmy? Because I most definitely assumed, initially, that she was confronting Jimmy about Jessica. But now, I’m not so sure. There’s a part of me that wonders if she’s actually yelling at Jeramey about the Sarah Ann situation. So tell me below — what do you think?
Alright friends! That’s it for me — until the next drop!
Jimmy and Chelsea feels like a mistake on so many levels! She and Trevor were perfection – I had honeymoon hopes for a switch like Zak and Bliss last season just because she and Jimmy are not meant to be!
The break up was wilddddd – like I think she said she wants more not to be done? But that was a wrap so quickly!