How to start a business
Getting Legal:
Sole Proprietorship: the simplest and most common structure chosen to start a business. It is an unincorporated business owned and run by one individual with no distinction between the business and the owner. You are entitled to all profits and are responsible for all your business’s debts, losses and liabilities.
Partnership: a single business where two or more people share ownership. Each partner contributes to all aspects of the business, including money, property, labor or skill. In return, each partner shares in the profits and losses of the business.
Limited Liability Company: a corporate structure whereby the members of the company cannot be held personally liable for the company’s debts or liabilities. Limited liability companies are essentially hybrid entities that combine the characteristics of a corporation and a partnership or sole proprietorship.
Corporation: (sometimes referred to as a C corporation) is an independent legal entity owned by shareholders. This means that the corporation itself, not the shareholders that own it, is held legally liable for the actions and debts the business incurs.
S-corp: is a special type of corporation created by an IRS tax election. An eligible domestic corporation can avoid double taxation (once to the corporation and again to the shareholders) by electing to be treated as an S corporation.
Want to hold off on the legal filing?
Apply for an EIN (Employer Identification Number)
Establish business banking
There are plenty of business banking options available. So many, in fact, it can feel overwhelming. But this is not something you’ll want to skip. It’s imperative that you keep your business banking separate from your personal banking for so many reasons. Choosing the right bank for your business boils down to finding one that offers the right combination of features, benefits and cost. Depending on the type of business you’re running, you might even find it best to work with a specialty merchant services provider.