At the end of last year, I was in such a rut that I was desperate to find a way out of it. The idea of doing anything felt overwhelming. And my go hard tendencies were keeping me stuck — I didn’t have the energy to go hard; but my brain has a hard time accepting that...
Joyful by Design
How to make time to do what you want when you’re already busy
I say often that you won’t find time, you have to make it. And I must say it a lot because I’ve started to get asked how you’re supposed to actually do that. I hear a lot from people that they’re busy and truly don’t have the time they need to get everything done. And...
Beauty in the Brokenness
*Disclaimer I originally wrote this blog post in the spring of 2018. I finally feel brave enough today to share it. Be kind. And if you know someone struggling, I hope you feel inspired to reach out and encourage them. Okay, wait. Slow down. Tell me more about that....
How to be happy Part 1 | the power of intention & perspective
Hi friend. Welcome to a new project I’m calling How to be happy. Life is just hard right now. Everything is so expensive. We’re raising children in an era where the village is non-existent. And we’re constantly plugged in with immediate access to compare ourselves to...
5 easy changes that’ll up-level your life
If you’re craving some sort of change but 1. you’re at capacity and just don’t know if you have the energy for it or 2. you don’t know where to start, today’s post is for you. It’s no secret that I’m obsessed with change and finding ways to improve my life. I...
Becoming confident | An honest look at my insecurities & self doubt and the journey to finding myself & my worth
If you’re clicking on this blog post, I’m going to assume that you feel less-than in some way. Maybe you look at other people and think they have something I don’t. They know something I don’t. I know this because that was me. I lived most of my life feeling like I...