The phone rang. Again. At this point, I’d come to expect it. “Hi Joey. I’m sure by now you dread seeing my name pop up on your screen.” She wasn’t wrong. The director of the daycare, a sweet woman about my age, was once again on the other end of the line to ask me to...
Mom stuff
How to sleep train your baby | Our journey to great newborn sleep
*Disclaimer Listen, I feel like from the moment those two lines appear, everyone and their mother has something to say to you about sleep. Get it while you can. You'll never sleep again. Yada. Yada. Yada. I'll be honest, one of the reasons we took our time deciding to...
How to prepare for potty training | My in-real-time experience
Well hello! Exhausted mama here reporting in at the end of day 1 of potty training. I'm thrilled to say the day went far better than expected (the kiddo is rocking it!) But man, oh man. The hyper vigilance (which was 90% unnecessary by hour 3) will take it out of you....
Toddler toys that actually keep a toddler busy (and off of screens)
*disclaimer I have a 2.5 year old son. I also work full-time while keeping him home with me. I’m not going to lie, it’s…hard. Like, really freaking hard. We also decided to eliminate screens at the start of 2024. So for the last 4 months, I’ve been a full-time work...
We eliminated screens for our toddler; here’s what happened
We're a TV family. Even when it was just me and my husband, the TV was pretty much always on, whether someone was watching it or not. So when Jdubs came into the picture, we didn't really ever consider limiting screen time. He loved music and dancing, so we did a lot...
Never again.
It was almost exactly a year ago when I wrote this post about how it's not enough. I remember how I felt in that moment. I could hardly pull myself together. The thought of leaving him, my two month old son, actually hurt. I felt the pieces of my broken heart, the...