
Don’t Should The Bed

Don’t Should The Bed

Julep Lori I've started living by a new rule.  I don't should the bed. Wait, what? Hear me out.  We all do it.  We all think we should do this and should do that.  It's the way we're programmed.  Society expects us to behave a certain way.  Family and friends put a...

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Music Thoughts & Julep Becky

Music Thoughts & Julep Becky

Julep Becky Now's a good time to subscribe!  Get this beautiful box for just the $2.99 shipping fee! *Julep is a monthly subscription service that you can skip or cancel any time you like **Note.  This polish was nearly impossible to capture on camera....

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Stuff & Things: Catch Up!

Stuff & Things: Catch Up!

++You know how you all have that one Christmas song that you just have to hear to feel like the season has officially launched?  Well I din't realize it until yesterday afternoon, but oddly enough that song for me is Same Old Lang Syne by Don Fogelberg....

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FRIENDS Obsession & Brunch

FRIENDS Obsession & Brunch

My senior year of HS, thanks to the now husband, I got seriously into FRIENDS.  I got my first DVD box set that Christmas from my awesome Aunt (thank Aunt Marie), and it all kind of went downhill (or uphill, depending on how you see an obsession with a TV...

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We Create Our Own Realities With Our Words

We Create Our Own Realities With Our Words

Sundays look a little different around here lately.  Kim (you know, my blogging friend who turned out to be my freaking neighbor) and I make a point to try to meet on Sundays to handle blog stuff. It keeps us accountable, we bounce ideas off one another, and to...

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Stuff & Things I Want: Christmas List Edition

Stuff & Things I Want: Christmas List Edition

I didn't really grow up making Christmas lists.  Santa Claus knew what I wanted, and beyond that my mom worked her magic.  It wasn't until I was grown up and married that people started asking me what I want for Christmas.   Namely, the husband....

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