julep sonia *Disclaimer I'm having a hard time understanding how some things work out. I'd like to think I'm a pretty good judge of character. And call me naive, but once I like your character, I trust you. It's gotten me hurt a time or two, but it's usually worth...
It’s the same, just stripped down a little.
The holidays are always a good time to do a check in. I used to joke that I just wanted to put my Christmas tree up in the same house twice. Well, 22 days before Christmas last year, we found out we'd be leaving Buies Creek eventually. But alas, my tree...
Friday Favorites: Some Snippets of Life!
I literally have Christmas music blaring so loudly at this exact moment because the fire alarm is blaring at the apartment complex behind us. So thank you, Sarah Mclachlan for your powerful voice that isn't making me feel guilty about sad, abused dogs for...
How to Master the No Makeup Makeup Look!
I've been watching some TV lately. Nothing out of control (because really, when do I have the time), but a little OTH and Jane the Virgin here and there. And I've noticed something. The characters I find the prettiest aren't really all that made up....
Battling The Inadequacy: Self-Esteem & Confidence
Julep Vanna I've always dealt with some confidence and self-esteem issues. Nothing catastrophic, but there's always been this nagging voice in the back of mind telling me that I'm inadequate. I can usually ignore it, squash it, but not always. And then finally I got...
Inside Out
I lost it this week. All of it. It started just as an over all sense of unsettledness. You know the kind that sort of seeps in when you think everything is fine and then suddenly it's not. All the little things were just off, creating a panicky,...