I'm good at making messes. Not actual, literal messes, though I am good with those too. I mean the life messes. I don't know how they happen. I don't think I'm an irresponsible person. But for some reason, I often find myself in the...
A Journey for a Fashion-Stunted Girl.
Now that I'm free from the dungeon that was Buies Creek (I kid, sort of), I'm back out among people. I know at this point you all must think I'm being dramatic when I refer to that life, but I'm not. It wasn't uncommon for me to never leave the...
On The Truth
You know me. You know me because when you come to this little space, you find Joey. I have many different sides, but you always find Joey. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about what direction this little blog needs to take. And then it...
Muted: Featuring Julep Alexa
I've been a little stunted in the whole nail polish department lately. And it's taken me a while to figure out why. Don't get me wrong, I am just as obsessed with polish as I always have been. But I think maybe just maybe I'm done with the whole nail...
Stuff & Things: Life Lately Edition
On Sunday we visited Walmart for the first time since living here. On our way out, I stepped in the largest wad of gum you've ever seen. And it was 100+ degrees out. I slipped out of my shoes as we got in the car and left them in the parking lot....
Twelve Hours…
Okay. So the twelve hours between 9PM on Monday night and 9AM on Tuesday were the weirdest, most dramatic hours. Let me back up. Monday was perfection. Things at work were great. The kids were in good moods, and things had quieted down after...