
I Never Expected It To Hurt.

I Never Expected It To Hurt.

I started to feel it on Saturday.  The anticipation.  The clenching in my heart.  The confusion of emotions.  I expected to feel a lot of things.  But I never expected it to hurt. This was the last weekend for coaches before it starts.  The season.  The black hole...

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Stuff & Things 7/30

Stuff & Things 7/30

++ I really appreciate the support  I got from Monday's post.  The reality is, some people just fade from our lives.  And while it sucks, it's kind of necessary in my opinion.  When I think back on that particular friendship, I'm happy for the...

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When The Silence Says It All

When The Silence Says It All

I've been quiet because my heart has been working through something.  I've struggled with the idea of bringing it up here because there's a line I like to keep drawn, but it is what it is. I just forced myself to close a chapter that to be quite honest has been...

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Surviving Summer

Surviving Summer

Summer isn't my favorite season for many reasons, but mostly because I simply just don't enjoy sweating my brains out on the regular.  I much prefer winter.  Keep in mind, I live in North Carolina so our winters are far less brutal. Despite the fact that the...

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Stuff & Things: How Ice Cream Saved My Life

Stuff & Things: How Ice Cream Saved My Life

I had the hiccoughs.  Not the normal, simply annoying kind of hiccoughs.  No.  The painful-omg-these-are-never-going-to-stop kind.  I know you've had them at least once.  And they suck. After nearly an hour of the hiccough-ouch beat filling...

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Because This Is Real Life

Because This Is Real Life

For the sake of being real, Friday was a really, really tough day.  I won't go into details, but this whole adulting thing was just too much, and before I could convince myself not to, I broke down. J was out of town, I came home and sobbed all of my makeup off....

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