
Happiness + OPI Can’t Find My Czechbook

Happiness + OPI Can’t Find My Czechbook

OPI Can't Find My Czechbook Color Club Harp On It (heart) This week...I mean...can we not?  The good news is it freaking flew right by!  Let's hope for a better week next week!  And y'all, it's Friday the 13th.  Maybe we'll actually have some good...

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Stuff & Things 2/12

Stuff & Things 2/12

++ This has been one of those weeks where there just aren't enough hours in the day.  I had myself completely stressed out on Tuesday, and at the end of the day I just had a startling realization that I was putting the pressure on myself.  It was hugely...

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Coffee Chat: The Storm

Coffee Chat: The Storm

Sinful Shine: your's truly Essie: jazzy jubilent An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is pulling you back with difficulties, It means you are going to launch into something great. So just focus and keep aiming. We've all seen hard times....

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Joey in Fours

Joey in Fours

This has been floating around blogland for a while, and I made a mental note to hold on to it for a day I was feeling particularly uninspired.  And it looks like today is that day!  Here are some things you probably never needed to know about me! 4 names...

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The Better You: Let Yourself Be A Beginner

The Better You: Let Yourself Be A Beginner

This isn't revolutionary.  You've all seen it pinned on pinterest.  But let's take a second and really talk about this. If I'm being honest, the number one thing that stops me from starting something is knowing that I won't be as good at it as others are....

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Stuff & Things 2/5

Stuff & Things 2/5

++ I woke up like this...flawless.  I know, I know.  We shouldn't let the furkids in the bed.  But we do.   And it's not unlikely for me to wake up to some variation of this.  Also?  Bailey isn't giving me kisses...she's sound asleep....

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