
The Better You: Get Fed Up

The Better You: Get Fed Up

Okay, so you've decided you want to change something. You've accepted that you're enough. You've mapped out some goals. And you're committed. Now what? In order to set everything in motion, you have to get tired of the way things are.  Not just annoyed with them,...

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Stuff & Things 1/22

Stuff & Things 1/22

++ The weather on Tuesday and Wednesday was just so freaking gorgeous I couldn't stop being outside.  It was like a taste of spring in January which was just so welcomed.  I like winter and winter weather (because let's face it, I live in North Carolina...

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Why I Quit Facebook

I had another post in mind for today, but as the week has gone on I just thought it might be a good time to talk about why I quit facebook. I love the internet.  I love that it connects me to people I would otherwise never know.  I love that there's a way to...

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The Better You: Mind

The Better You: Mind

Change starts with your mindset. In order to make any kind of change, you first need to work on your mind.   You need to shift the way you:  think about yourself think about things how you perceive things feel about being uncomfortable 1. You need to know...

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Winter Blues & Sinful Colors 24/7

Winter Blues & Sinful Colors 24/7

The weather here has been so freaking gloomy lately.  Usually, I'm totally down for a good rainy day or two, but lately it's just been wrecking havoc on my mood and mindset.  Is it me, or is January just such a hard month? I've basically been surviving...

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