Hi Friends! Welcome to our special Friday edition of Stuff & Things! If you're new here and want to hang out with us for Stuff & Things in the future, it's usually on Thursdays! >> The one thing I actually really asked for this year was a...
The Ever Evolving Christmas
Christmas 2010 When I was a kid, I over romanticized Christmas. I'll admit it. I watched every Christmas movie with hope in my heart to have that kind of love someday. To snuggle up by a fire after the grand finale. I think that might be why I...
Holiday Red Lip: Drugstore Edition!
CHRISTMAS IS THIS WEEK!! How is that even possible? I'm so stinkin' excited I can hardly contain myself! I decided to go through my collection and share with you some of my favorite Holiday Red Lips from the drug store! Revlon Colorburst Matte Balm...
Stuff & Things 12/18
++ Today is the sweet husband's birthday!!! He's a weeeeee bit hesitant for this one since it rings in his last year in his 20s, but it's definitely a reason to celebrate! Let's show him all kinds of love today, shall we? 🙂 ++ We sold the Camry on Friday....
I'm a fan of doing things on a budget. I have pretty simple taste and would almost always rather have a cheap bottle of nail polish over a fancy outfit. It's just how I function. But I was thinking about the splurges we've made over the last several...
Real Marriage: Why We Don’t Use The Word Divorce.
Seems simple enough, right? But tell me you haven't been there. You're joking. You're in the middle of a heated argument. You want to get your way and you need to show your husband (or wife) exactly how serious you are. It's your get out of jail...