
A Hodges Style Christmas!

A Hodges Style Christmas!

J and I do our holidays a little differently now.  The first few years we were married, the holidays left us stressed, frazzled, and exhausted.  We'd end our "vacation" feeling more tired than when it started.  So a few years ago, we made a...

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Red Carpet!

Red Carpet!

Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in Red Carpet (390) I bought this polish over the summer with the intention of wearing it at the holidays, and I was so excited to finally pull it out!  I'll be honest.  I had a nail art idea in mind and then I just wasn't feeling...

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Stuff & Things 12/11

Stuff & Things 12/11

++ A few weeks ago I prayed really hard about needing guidance in a decision.  I rarely ask for signs from God because sometimes that can seem a little hokey, but sometimes you really just need some reassurance or a nudge.  Am I right?  What I needed...

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Game On…

Game On…

I just thought this might strike a chord with some of you like it did me.  I follow Sarah Dessen on twitter, and yesterday, which was a particularly hard day (do they all seem that way these days or is that just me?), she tweeted this in reference to the book she...

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Chicken Soup for the Joey Soul

Chicken Soup for the Joey Soul

This weekend was just what the doctor ordered!  Things have been fairly crazy around these parts lately and so it was nice to just stop and breathe for a minute or two! Friday night I got to hang out with sweet Kristina & some of her friends to celebrate her...

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Being Bold…

Being Bold…

Revlon Bold Sangria with Essie Shine of the Times  I've been in a bit of a nail funk lately (I know, gasp!) but I just haven't felt very inspired in that department.  I haven't used shine of the times in years.  Years.  If I'm being honest, I don't...

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