++ Monday morning, I woke up screaming in pain. I guess I was rolling over in bed and must have accidentally nudged the cat. Well. Apparently I knocked him off the bed and he panicked and clung on for dear life. TO MY NECK. Straight...
November Beauty Favorites
big sexy hair spray & play. I've seen this stuff around for years and I recently received a gift from a very sweet friend and this was part of the package! I never gave this kind of stuff a second look--but it adds SO much volume to my hair with such a...
Sugar Plum Fairy
I've been itching to get my hands on some bolder lip colors for fall and winter. But I'm kind of chicken and wasn't sure that I could pull them off. Plus, I'm extremely picky about how products feel on my lips. Enter: Wet 'n Wild. I know. You...
Is This What Normal People Do?
Saturday morning we were out the door bright and early to meet my in-laws in the middle. Translation: at a Cracker Barrel an hour away. Afterwards, we spent our Saturday doing what I can only imagine normal people (translation: non-football people) do on...
Stuff & Things 11/27
Happy Thanksgiving, Friends! Link up for a chance to win some goodies! We had Thanksgiving with my family yesterday, and as you're reading this I'm probably running around coordinating what food can go in the oven when for our Thanksgiving! We are so...
Beauty & Fashion Made Easy: Travel Edition
Holiday Travel. For someone whose #1 priority is comfort, it can be a real pain. Honestly, the hubs and I stay home for the holidays now. But for the first few years of our marriage, we did the whole spend-the-entire-holiday-in-a-car thing. I imagine many...