
Selfie Sunday

Selfie Sunday

They tell us from the time we're young to hide the things we don't like about ourselves inside ourselves I know I'm not the only one who's spent so long attempting to be someone else Well. I'm over it. -Mary Lambert Isn't that the truth, though?  I used to hate...

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Doodle Heart + Some Favorites!

Doodle Heart + Some Favorites!

Watch the tutorial HERE! My evening writing session.  It's honestly my favorite part of each day.  The other night I introduced wine to the party.  It's working out well. Favorite Snack: pretzels dipped in ranch.  Don't judge me for my weirdness. I...

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Stuff & Things 11/5

Stuff & Things 11/5

I forgot to add my own button. Clearly I've got my shit together. >> The freak out over the red cups.  Y'all.  Y'ALL.  I'm all for getting excited over things.  I get excited over everything.  I just don't get this one.  It's a cup....

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Favorites under $50!

Favorites under $50!

Hi Friends! Christmas is RIGHT around the corner... HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? So I thought today I'd share with you my FAVORITE picks  UNDER $50 from 31 Bags! I am a BAG LADY! So I thought it only fitting to host a catalog party  because...duh. **The Flat Iron...

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My Strange Addiction

My Strange Addiction

When we were first married, I bought a $20 waffle iron at someplace like dollar general or big lots.  It was just a random decision fueled by some kind of thought like Oh, we're married now.  We should own a waffle iron. Apparently these are the thoughts...

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The Breakdown…

So I had an emotional breakdown on Thursday.  I can laugh about it now, but y'all.  I try to give you a pretty basic idea of what it's like to be a football wife.  And I honestly do my very best to be as supportive as possible (and I think I do an okay...

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