


This week, you guys?  A big fat no. 1. Tuesday night/Wednesday morning I grabbed my pillows in a huff and went to the couch because dear husband was snoring his brains out.  So I kind of knew what was coming Wednesday morning.  I run...

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A Long December

A Long December

Things have been preeeeeetty quiet around here lately.  And motivation has basically been lacking.  There's been a whole lot of laying around.  And you know what?  I'm kind of okay with it. It's always just so hard for me to focus and be productive...

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Possessed Cars and Pizza!

Possessed Cars and Pizza!

Hi Friends!!  It's Thanksgiving Week! Also known as: THE HUSBAND IS OFF ALL WEEK WEEK!! Do you hear those angels singing? That guy hasn't had one single day off since July.  Yes.  You read that right.  Not one day--not a weekend, not a Sunday,...

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I’m a whole lot of crazy

I’m a whole lot of crazy

There's this guy.  He lives in my house, and I kind of like him.  He's always been just...a breath of fresh air for me.  He's different, and I think that's what changed things for me in high school. Hubs and I started dating nearly a year after my last...

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Fall Flowers

Fall Flowers

Polishes Used: Finger Paints: Art Auction Auburn Rimmel: Dazzle with Nina Ultra Pro Holographic Top Coat over top Finger Paints: Paper Mache' Tools Used: dotting tool Can you just  Oh man.  I picked up the Art Auction Auburn from Sally's...

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Oh, snap.

Oh, snap.

Give me a moment to collect my heart from the floor and stuff it back in my chest. Okay.  Okay.  Now that I'm composed, let me tell you a little story.  It was Monday night.  The weather here in North Carolina is a wee bit confused and we'd had...

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