I dug through a collection of papers. Some bled red with incorrect answers. Some were cheery with birthday wishes. And then there it was. Nestled snug in a plain white envelope adorned with handwriting I knew well. As I slid the note from...
That Time I Fell In Love With A Hair Product
Remember when my Aunt tweeted that she sent me a package with a product she wanted me to try and write a review for? Well, when I opened the package I was excited to see that it was something I was already wanting to try--so much so that I had already purchased...
Summer in the Fall
{Left hand painted with dominant hand} {Right hand painted with non-dominant hand...uh? How did this one turn out better?} Man oh, man! Favorite mani ever? I think so! I really need some practice with the whole straight lines and nail art bit,...
The Coach.
Saturdays are a big deal in this house. They probably always will be. Well, unless Sunday becomes a big deal--but please, for the sake of my sanity, let's keep it at Saturday for a while. Saturday is Game Day. Show Time. The Big Hurrah. The men work all week long...
On Being Quiet.
I am, without a doubt, always the loudest person in the room. I talk the loudest. I laugh the loudest. Hell, I even clap the loudest. I can't help it. In the past, I've tried to quiet myself. I've tried to pay attention to the...
I’m loving…
I haven't done a monthly favorites video or even post in quite a while. And while I don't have a ton of things to share, there are a few here that I've fallen in love with and wanted to let you in on! Mary Kay Mineral Powder (beige 0.5) Shh....