Hey guys! Just wanted to pop in for a quick minute. I know things on the blog front have been quiet lately. I'll give you a quick run down of what's been up! I was just putting the games into my ical because even though I'm a paper calendar girl, it...
The not so unlucky 13th!
1. OPI La-paz-itively-hot with W&W megalast Silver Lake (dollar general limited edition). Oh, man. Oh, man. I die for a good silver accent! 2. First of all, I want to thank you all for your continued thoughts, prayers and understanding. I...
Still Into You.
It's 10:30 at night. I'm babysitting the ground sausage in the pan; prepping for early morning breakfasts. I've got lettuce laid out on the counter ready to chop for a week worth of salads and a candle burning in the living room. The dog jumps from the couch and darts...
Let's talk. At what point does giving the benefit of the doubt turn into becoming a gullible idiot? Time and time again I allow myself to talk myself out of how I'm feeling about 1) a situation or 2) a person because I have always believed in second...
All The Same…
I've gone through tough stuff before. I've lost loved ones. I've been told I'm not good enough for what I want. I've been through a war for love. And yet, I've always kind of seen my life as golden. J and I have always come out the other...
It Teaches You…
As the girl who had the same bedroom until the day she left for college, I never imagined that I'd be so familiar with moving. I moved dorm rooms and apartments every year of college. Things only got more crazy exciting when J and I got married....