


Lately, I've been struggling not to fall victim to this. via Do you do this?  Because oh, my goodness.  It's entirely too easy sometimes. I often find myself making excuses for why I do things a certain way. Or why my life is the way it is. Let me be clear....

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A little addition…

A little addition…

Nope.  We're not pregnant. BUT After a lot of begging consideration, we introduced a new little member to the Hodges Household this weekend! J, of course, named him. Campbell What?  You don't name your pets after your current job? You must not be a...

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I’m a Crazy Person.

I’m a Crazy Person.

I realize that not everyone is a cat person.  But I am one.  And so is my husband.  I know it's even rarer for a man and wife to be equally into cats, but in this house we are.  As I type this, I'm realizing how strange we sound.  Bare with...

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Reminiscing with Scents

Reminiscing with Scents

I don't know about for you, but scents almost always trigger memories for me.  A lot of that might be due in part to the fact that I generally reserve certain scents for certain events.  Or better yet, especially in HS, I'd get obsessed with something and...

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What it’s like.

What it’s like.

Well, guys.  It's that time of year again.  What time is that, you're wondering?  The time when football steals away my husband until December.  I'm pretty used to it by now, but I thought I'd give you a little glimpse into being a football widow....

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First of all, this has nothing to do with me.  I have been lucky enough to avoid the nastiness on the internet.  I think a lot of that is due in part to the fact that those of you who take the time to read this blog, read my tweets or watch my videos know me...

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